Chapter 2: Our new friends

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"The 1.2 million American troops stationed on the Serbian front withdrew today, leaving East Asia to fend for itself."

"T.W.L.I reach Beijing, now threatening North Korea and any other Asian nations who refuse to surrender with quote, 'Dire consequences for such foolish actions,'"

"This is not a retreat, nor are we abandoning our Asian allies,"

"Under threat of annihilation by the True World Legion Imperium, Japan has surrendered,"

"T.W.L.I special forces seize Hawaii now planning to march towards the West Coast,"

"Across the nation, civil unrest has intensified with the demise of the U.S. dollar,"

"Recruitment numbers now reaching the tens of millions as stated by the Department of Defense,"

"Naval battles off the West Coast heighten with the Sinking of the U.S.S. Nimitz,"

"Talks to end the Saudia-Iran war has stalemated once again, meanwhile damaged oil wells and pipelines burn uncontrollably, deeply affecting world supply,"

"Freedom-loving people all over the world celebrate today as the True World Legion Imperiums' supreme leader Talon Bloodmoon was assassinated by navy SEAL special forces,"

"The president has signed an executive order today to nationalize every industrial sector,"

"The 150,000-ton U.S.S. Enterprise launched from a Flordia port today planning to destroy the T.W.L.I Atlantic fleet,"

"Today the True World Legion Imperium has launched its latest communication satellite, claiming it will bring a message of peace to the entire world,"



(Major Leon Sharp P.O.V)

"Think of it this way, the longer we can't move the front, the longer we get to enjoy this fine cuisine," Johnathan reveals our dinner for tonight, twenty-five popping hot MREs', he hands them out to everybody, and I get my favorite; chili mac n cheese with a lemon pound cake and teriyaki sticks. As soon as the first spoonful met my lips I nearly inhaled it.

"You know you should open up your own restaurant after we win this war, something tells me you would make a fine chef," Nathen says, earning a chuckle from a few guys. Everyone here was from scattered platoons and other divisions and whatnot; we had everyone from airborne, mountain divisions, the National Guard, and even a few coast guards.

Getting lost in the concrete jungle in time of war wasn't exactly how I imagined my first visit here would be like, or any guy here for that matter, "Five-star chef is what you mean," Johnathan corrected, the dim fungal and bullet-riddled apartment room we where in soon filling with more laughter.

Johnathan always had that warmth to him that everyone here deeply appreciated, he had a way of making people smile, even in the thick of it.

"We got movement," Matt says, his voice barely audible over the dozen impersonations of school children's giggles, the room quickly fell dead as we got into position near the window, my nose immediately burned and my breath became visible in the frigid air as we all waited.

A group of shadows hopped from building to building, nearly blending into the dusk, their shapes stretching and contorting against the battered building walls.

They burst from the shadows and are revealed, a crooked street light showing their hole-filled shirts and ripped pants, "Civs," Matt says, what were civs' doing out here?

"We'll make contact, cover us from this position," Johnathan jumped to his feet and shuffled his way to the door as Matt had spoken, "Really?" I say, Matt nods, "Besides, I need new future customers for that restaurant I'm planning on anyway," Johnathan said as he and Matt rushed out onto the street.

And then we waited, their movement was glide full as they traversed the crater-ridden streets, getting closer to them, "Who do you think they might be?" Nathen blurted out seemingly to no one, "Your fucking entourage," Samuel muttered, his rifle trained out the window and body firm.

Nathen scoffed as we all kept quiet, my radio burst to life with a crackle and Matt's stern voice, "They claim to be freedom fighters, at least one of them, from all walks of life, we're bringing them back up," we looked at each other as faces contorted into confusion, "A few Gundam ho guys eh?"

We left the window and opened the door to be greeted by six civs', their frames were thin and hair rugged, and they smelt of gunpowder and dirt, their stench almost as bad as the fungal-filled room, well can't say were any different on that smell part.

"Oh god!?" A woman suddenly ran up to Nathen and hugged him as if he were a lost child of hers, balling her eyes out into his uniform, "A-Are we winning?" she asked, her voice muffled, Nathen stood there as if waiting for one of us to give him some direction, his eyes wide and lips an elongated flat.

A man placed a hand on his chest and sighed, slowly sliding down the wall into a sitting position, "Nice to know the army is out here doing something," in total there were 4 guys and 2 women, the one crying a storm looked on the younger side, while the other one had grey locks of hair.

"Say, what you folk doing all the way out here, New York was evacuated months ago?" I questioned, a younger gentleman walked forward and revealed an Uzi, "Fighiten', these streets belonged to my family since 09', and I'll be damned if I letta 'em' take it, as for they' over there-- tourist, trynna get outta' the city, and then over here that's grandma Tyrese, and that's Margret,"

Matt walks over to me as I raise a brow wrapping my arm over his shoulder-- huddling with him, "Let me get this straight, wannabe gangbanger turned freedom fighter, tourist, a grandma, and a crybaby?" I whisper, he chuckles grinning ear to ear, "All walks of life,"

"Yeah, no kidding,"

We turn back towards them as the tourist group fiddles with an assortment of items, and the woman crying seems to finally calm down, we questioned them, and they told us that they were a group of survivors who banded together, the tourists were from Canada and had gotten stranded, and the other 3 where locals, and how they've been disconnected from the world for months.

"Please tell me we're winning, I just want all of this to end already, I can't take it anymore," the younger girl, Magret, shivers, and trembles, "Those, those freaks are barbaric, they, they, they," Tyrese shushed her and patted her head as if she was her daughter.

"Well, we're definitely not losing, I'll tell y'all that much, one big stalemate, they can't break us and we can't break them, but I heard back in the midwest everything is pretty normal," Samuel said.

The group emitted a strong sense of hope, not once did they ever mention the word surrender, albeit they must've seen their fair share of things, they made us remember what we were fighting for, for these men and women and children, for all Americans, no, the whole world, to go to bed at night without having to worry about a tyrant kicking down their door and dragging them out of their homes.

"Don't worry, there are tens of millions at home and abroad fighting at this very moment," Matt says.

After we got to know each other, they told us of an apartment building also filled with hoping escapees who had managed to avoid T.W.L.I patrol, the young, sick, and elderly all being forced to spend months inside out of fear of being caught.

Since me and the guys were on a one-way trip back into safe territory soon anyway, we figured we might as well bring new guests, we would move under the cover of night and rescue our lost souls who were embedded in the cesspool of T.W.L.I,

For shits and giggles, Johnathan dubbed it, 'Operation Freedom bringer'.

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