1- Glowing eyes

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《 ty to JacarandaAxolotl477 for the prompts :) anyways on to the story! (Hermitcraft s9, decked out)》

Zedaph's heart was loud in his ears as he followed the bright eyed blue nether-born through the cold caverns of decked out. Tango swerved and sneaked around sharp points and boiling hot lava. At different times he would stop and look around corners to see if any dangers were there. Zedaph followed along silently making sure to step in the same spots as Tango as to not accidentally slip and fall into lava, or else he would have used up both a shard and dungeon master lackie for nothing.

Originally they were going about the run as usual, chaotic, filled with giggles and laughs, along with a pinch of jokes and the use of half a brain cell. Then Tango stopped suddenly and told Zed he had something to show him, he beemed at Zedaph, and Zed had the feeling he couldn't say no. So now he was stumbling after Tango through the echoing caverns of the 4th level. Zed could hear the huffs and grunts behind the walls of beasts sculking around in the dark. Both were crouched and trying not to make a sound as they crept through the cold dark caverns. Tango whispered, beckoning for Zedaph to follow close. Zedaph could bearly see anything of the dungeon master, only the faintly glowing tucked back mess of hair and bright blue glowing eyes.

The deeper they decended in the dungeon the more Zedaph had the odd feeling of following someone to his doom. "Hurry up Zeddie!" Tango whispered, just bearly reaching Zedaph's ear. Zed gave a nod and followed. Tango had to keep his left hand to his side to stop the key, that hung on his belt, from jingling and alerting every monster in the terrifying halls of a game that dinner had arrived in form of a tasty Zedaph and a deliciously spicy Tango. "What are you showing me again?" Asked Zed, eyeing a suspiciously ominous corner.  He wondered to himself why haven't any mobs spawned down here? Then remembered the beasts they where currently hiding from, and thought that if any mobs did spawn they would immediately be eaten alive before any players would dare to wander this deep into the dungeon.

Tango giggled at Zed, like he had asked the most obvious thing in the world, "You'll know it when you see it," he said with a sharp grin glinting in the faint light of glow lican. "You know how I hid little easter eggs in the walls of the dungeon? Well I have another little secret hidden down here as well, waiting for the most keen eyed hermit to see it and use it." Tango flick his tail in Zedaph's direction, just close enough to have Zed feel the speed of the swishing tail.

"We're almost there." Tango hummed lightly, dragging his sharp nails against a wall he was following. He ducked into a small door way that was barely visible, and could only be seen if you knew it was there. Zed followed him and the door opened up into a round almost oval room, like an air pocket in the stone. On the far wall of the room was a tapestry of a person in thick winter coat holding a compass, and running from a huge warden with small wisp strokes coming from its gapping mouth. "Tango this.... this is gorgeous," Zedaph gasped quietly admiring the paintings beauty. "And this is the best part." Tango beemed, wandering closer to the wall. His fingers searched the stone and settled on the face of the compass and pressed down on it. The face of the compass sunk in and made a clicking noise.

There was a smell of redstone in the air, and Zedaph watched as a doorway opened between the warden and the person. Zedaph couldn't see any thing beyond the door, Tango walked up to Zed's side and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well what are you waiting for? Go in." Tango said, all to casually. Zedaph glanced up at him confused, and blurted out the words before he could process what he was saying. "You aren't thinking I'm going in there are you!?"

"Well, I mean sure you are, that's why you followed me right?"

"I'm not going in there! Since your my lacky how bout you go first?!" Tango looked Zed in the eyes, and something about them didn't seem right. Zed assume it was because he was being pressured, like the glowing blue eyes looking into his own felt like being pushed toward the dark opening in the wall.

"Oh you'll be fine." Tango scoffed, slightly rolling his eyes and pushing Zedaph closer to the door. Zedaph jerked out of Tango's grip and was a lot closer to the door then he expected. Zed rubbed his hands against his arms in a feeble attempt at warming him up.

"You've got nothing to lose. Well  nothing that cant be replaced anyways"

Zedaph was about to argue how he didn't feel like walking into a scary dark door today, but he was half pushed half tripped into the dark. The last thing he saw before being submerged into darkness was Tango's glowing eyes and not much else.

The door closed behind him, and he heard a sniffing noise near him. He immediately recognized it as a warden, and tried scrambling away from it in the pitch black darkness only to run into a wall with great force.

The warden now knew he was here, and Zedaph was met with a loud ground shaking roar and welcomed into a cold a quick death.


Zedaph gasped sitting up in his bed with a cold shiver. The cat that was once peacefully sleeping on his lap woke up in a jolt, digging his claws into the sheep's legs. Zedaph breathed and realized it was a dream, a very cruel and messed up dream. He looked down to Santa-claws in his lap looking up to him curiously. Zed took a deep breath and petted the cat. Santa purred and leaned in to the touch, laying back down into Zedaph's lap.

He couldn't help but feel off, Zedaph still felt cold and had a chill run down his spine. He shivered and wondered why he felt cold. He also felt like a piece of him was missing. He sighed, and curled back into bed the best he could with a cat on his lap, trying to warm himself up.

《And day 1 is complete, did i rush to complete this? Just a little.... will i continue this? Maybe? (WC 1113)


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