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i was going through my notes app the other day and found this half finished from 2020. becky is a bit ooc and the writing isn't great but i felt bad for it rotting away in my notes. so i thought i'd finish it off. it's not my best work but i hope you enjoy it anyway :)
its literally just smut tbh


"Yes Caroline, I've already sorted out the reservation for your yacht, shut up about it for god's sake or I'll remove you from the meeting. We all know the only reason you can afford it is because you have a sugar daddy. Now Deborah, could you please give your presentation on this year's budget before I throw my laptop into the wall?"

There was a muffled response from the screen, meaning the laptop could live another day. Linda turned her camera off and muted herself, sighing. She was on an hour-long Zoom meeting with the Hatchetfield Boating Society. It had only been 30 minutes, and she was already losing the will to live. The blonde rested her head on the sleek kitchen table. She was exhausted, frustrated, and bored beyond belief, and it was starting to show. Linda thought she was doing quite well keeping it together, in all fairness. She could've said a lot worse.

"Just another half hour," Linda told herself, "You can do this."

She checked her reflection in the screen and smoothed back a stray strand of her blonde hair. Linda was dressed in a thin white turtleneck and high-waisted black pants. She looked flawless. She was a pillar of the community, and she needed to keep up her appearance - it was going to take a lot more than a pandemic to make her crack.

If people thought that she was falling apart, who knows what would happen? Mass chaos, probably. People crying in the streets, houses on fire. She was the only thing keeping Hatchetfield from coming apart at the seams, as far as she was concerned.

If you asked anyone else in Hatchetfield, however, they'd most likely say the town would be better off without her.

Apart from Becky Barnes, of course.

Linda was still checking her reflection when she felt two arms wrap around her waist and a head rest on her shoulder from behind.

"Whatcha doin'?"

Linda looked over at her girlfriend. She was in a pastel yellow t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun like she had just dragged herself out of bed, which she probably had. She'd been working so hard recently, constantly working overtime at the hospital to look after Covid patients. Although she didn't look quite as immaculate as Linda, she was just perfect to the blonde. Linda couldn't help the small smile that inched across her face.

Linda looked back to her laptop. "I'm on a call with the boat bitches."

They both looked at the screen for a moment - the only sounds their own breathing, the soft whirring of the laptop fans and Deborah still droning on about this year's budget.

"Sounds boring," Becky said.

"It is." Linda groaned, fingers finding her temples to rub away the migraine she could feel coming on.

Becky snuggled closer into the crook of her lover's neck, smiling at the familiar scent of the perfume she'd bought Linda for her birthday.

"Maybe I can make it a bit more exciting then..." Becky said softly.

"Hm? How do you mea-"

Becky turned Linda's head to look at her and the blonde was quickly cut off by a soft kiss to her lips.

Becky pulled away much sooner than Linda would've liked, but before she could protest the redhead was trailing kisses along her jaw instead.

"Becky..." Linda breathed, eyes fluttering shut.

"Mm?" Becky hummed, now moving down to Linda's neck.

"I-...I'm working.."

Ignoring Linda's weak objections, Becky moved aside the collar of her turtleneck and carried on, her kisses becoming increasingly more hungry. Linda's fingers wove through Becky's hair, slightly pulling as she sucked dark red marks onto her skin. The hands on Linda's waist began to wander, one creeping under her jumper and the other travelling lower, so just the tips of Becky's fingertips dipped beneath Linda's waistband.


"Linda." Becky grinned, fingers trailing over the edge of Linda's underwear.

"In case you haven't noticed-" Linda made a noise somewhere between a moan and a sigh as Becky slid her fingers just barely under the lace, "Time isn't exactly on our side right now."

"What exactly do you want me to do about that?"

"Fuck me. Quickly." Linda panted.

Becky didn't need to be told twice.

Linda let her head fall back onto the other's shoulder as Becky ran her fingers through her slit, gathering her arousal before coming back up to draw patterns over Linda's clit. Linda bit her lip, trying her best to stifle a moan. She didn't do a very good job.

"Becky, please- I need you in me."

Her voice was strained, barely above a whisper.

Again, Becky didn't need to be asked twice.

She left her thumb circling the bundle of nerves as she slipped her middle and ring finger inside with practised ease. Dragging and curling them up into Linda's sensitive walls. Hitting the spot deep inside her that made Linda's eyes roll back and mouth hang open.

"Oh, god- Beck, right there-"

Muscles fluttered around her fingers as Becky hit her g-spot, over and over, setting an unrelenting pace, determined to make Linda cum in record time.

"You close?" Becky husked into Linda's ear.

"What do you fucking think?" Linda hissed. She was gripping the table, her knuckles turning white.

Becky smirked.

"Cum for me, baby."

Linda did.


She turned her head, muffling her cries with the crook of her lover's neck. Becky fucked her through her orgasm, Linda's hips bucking wildly to meet her thrusts. Becky held her jaw and kissed her, swallowing her every gasp and moan. Linda was so loud that she couldn't hear the sound of Deborah clearing her throat from the laptop, signalling the end of her presentation. Becky could hear however, and used the hand that wasn't currently fucking her girlfriend to type in the Zoom chat "one min, technical difficulties".

Becky continued fucking Linda slowly, gently bringing her down from her high. After a few moments, Linda softly pushed her lover's shoulder and murmured "too sensitive". Becky withdrew her hand, smirking as she brought it to her mouth, licking her fingers clean. Linda's face blushed a deep crimson.

"That woman's finished with her presentation y'know, baby."

"Oh fuck that." Linda shut her laptop without a second thought. "We're going back to bed."

Becky laughed, and Linda swore she'd never get used to how her heart soared every time she heard that sound.

"What are you gonna tell them?"

"I don't know, some bullshit about the WiFi cutting out. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that I get to pay you back for that mind-blowing orgasm..."

Becky laughed again as Linda nuzzled her face into the redhead's neck, kissing and sucking at her pulse point. Becky didn't need any more persuasion than that, scooping a triumphant Linda up in her arms and carrying her bridal style to their bedroom.


thanks for reading :))

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