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It was a hot day. The sun beamed down on the muddy field.The sun was setting on the horizon.  I put the ball in the penalty area eighteen yard from the box,my heart was hot I felt nervous as if I missed that penalty I'm going to lose my life

my eyes were red and I didn't know where to kick the ball, my legs were vibrating, all my teammate that were around me their hope were on me, the goalie was very great at catching the ball i kicked my shot I didn't kicked it very hard because my legs was very,very tiny like a  pencil. 

unfortunately the goalie caught the ball I felt the pain in my heart, that day was one of my worst day in my life,  I felt like I could die,my heart suddenly caught cold that day I almost abandoned hope my whole body felt cold at the same time fifteen minutes later I saw  my dad playing soccer on the backyard

I went to him crying as if I lost my mind, I was only nine years old my daddy asked me'' what is wrong? You look sad,angry and mad at the same time" I told him I was fine but my dad didn't seem to believe me because me and my twin never lied to him

we always remind him of the joy of being young because he also love soccer when he was younger, until now he still playing soccer,he is the couch of a team called leopard fc,

so he know how it felt and he knew us more than anyone else he said to me" my dear son never forsake hope on whatever your doing in life because in life we all have bad days and we all made mistakes,

  so never ever forswear in your life" I didn't get what he was trying to tell me, was i that young to not understand what he was trying to tell me? Yes obviously. Did I care? Nope. 

but the only thing I understand was that I should never,never ,ever quit on whatever I'm doing only because I makes mistakes because we all makes mistakes and it's okay to not be okay, 

at night i didn’t sleep because of thinking and overthinking, outside the rain hit very hard it wa  a  splattering rain , the world was dark, save for a crescent moon, my body, heart, and brain didn’t know what to do,

all i could see in my eyes was dark. I slept  that night but my brain was telling me to  work hard and do some push ups but I didn't do it. Was I that tired? Yes obviously.

i was really tired that day that i  couldn’t even think of anything,  the next day was the real deal the final games of the league , i wake up in the morning washing my teeth telling my dad and my mom that i’m going for a run,

i run a lot that day i didn’t see anything that could stop me from running, in the evening i didn’t want to play games with other players i respected them, but in my mind and the game there was only two result to win or to lose,

unfortunately or luckily we draw and the referee said that there should be only five players kicking the penalty, i looked in my teammate’s eyes i saw that their hope were not on me anymore no ones wanted me to kicked that ball,

four players kicked the penalty and there were only one player left to kick the penalty and we win, surprisingly my teammates chooses me to kick that last penalty that was when i remember the words from my dad that i should never give up and always trust in myself.

I put the ball down, this time there was no fear or nervousness in my heart, i was very confidence and nothing could stop me from winning i shot my shoot this time the goalies didn’t even  touch the ball or know where i kicked the ball, and we won.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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