how you get the girl

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heavily based on how you get the girl by taylor swift :) it's literally just the lyrics in different order. enjoy.

short and sweet cause i forced myself to stay awake to write this.

Outside the window above my sink I saw lightening flash and thunder clash. I swear, this storm was making my entire house shake on its foundation.

My hands were soaked from doing the dishes and my feet were begging me to sit down and turn on a well deserved movie, but there were things to be done. When I got to the last dish, a knock was placed onto my front door causing me to jump in place. After drying my hands I made my way to the door and opened it.

On the other side was Chris shaking from the rain, soaking wet hair sticking to his face, his clothes drenched.

"Are you insane?" I asked and without hesitation, I invited him to step into the house to shield him from the downpour. I wasn't sure why after months of being broken up, he would show up at my doorstep. Especially on a night like this.

"Yes, I—uh. It's been a long six months." He stuttered and pushed pieces of hair out of his eyes, "I must've lost my mind, Y/n. I left you all alone and never told you why. I fucked up, okay? That's on me."

"That's how you lost me, Chris. We were so disconnected and you left." I crossed my arms over my chest and bit at the inside of my cheek, "You just left me." I repeated as if saying it again would make it make sense.

"Close your eyes." He insisted. I furrowed my brows at him, "Please?" I allowed my eyes to flutter close and heard my front door click shut. I wanted to peak my eyes open to check if he left, but decided against it, knowing if I opened them and he wasn't there, the heartbreak would repeat itself, "Remember how we used to be?"

I found the corners of my lips fighting a smile, "Mhm." I hummed. I heard him softly step forward and his presence get closer to me, "Picture frame by your bedside type of love." His hand landed gently on my waist and a moment later, his lips kissed my cheek.

"I want you for worse or for better," His voice was just above a whisper. I opened my eyes and he was standing mere inches away from me, causing my breath to hitch in my throat, "I know I broke your heart, but I can put it back together. I'd wait forever and ever for you."

"For worse or for better, huh?" I snickered, "That's some wedding vow type shit, Chris. You're not ready for that."

"Maybe not right now, but I know I want that with you some day." He replied, "I'm serious. For worse or for better, Y/n. These past six months have been the worst of my life." I wasn't quite sure what to say, my mind drawing a blank on what I should do, "Please say something."

"I don't want you to go." My mouth moved faster than my brain, "Stay." My arms dropped from my chest and my hand locked with his. Thunder crashed and my body jolted from the sudden loud noise. Chris instinctively tightened his grip on my hand and went to pull me into his chest. When he hesitated, I closed the gap between us and hugged him, "Don't ever leave me again."

"Never again." He assured.

Whether letting Chris into my life again was a good or bad idea was something only time would tell, but he did manage one thing.

He got the girl...



Obviously I added the little ending part only cause I wanted it to be a bit longer, but all I really did was take the lyrics and switch them around.

If you guys are Swifties like me and want me to do more imagines based off her songs then let me know who and what song in the comments! I'll do my best :)

This is probably horrible. I'm exhausted and writers block hates me with a passion.

I'm currently still brainstorming, writing, and rewriting my 'Sabrina' story, so if you want that to continue then go show it some love <3

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