Chapter 10

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"Don't worry, we have been practicing this song for a long time, there will be no problem."

Ruan Tao, who was waiting in the backstage, softly comforted Lai You, who seemed to be in a bad mood. Ruan Taos voice was soft and sweet, inexplicably relaxing, and a little upset, Lai You lightly tapped after listening. Nodded, looking a little calmer.

Currently, only the members of Galaxy and COCO are waiting, but they are as clear as there is a gap between them. Perhaps because of Lai You, there is no symbolic greeting between the two parties. They make preparations on their own. With their respective performances.

After she comforted Lai You, Ruan Tao tilted her head subconsciously, and then her eyes suddenly ran into Qiao Miao on the other end, and she was slightly startled.

Unlike the others, Qiao Wei didnt notice the subtle atmosphere in the backstage. He was looking around curiously. After a while, he went to the cameraman to look at the rocker arm, and then he tried to touch the slide rail. It was like seeing him. Everything was fresh like a child. After the visit, he sat back in his position with amazement, and then saw Ruan Tao looking at herself.

Is Ruan Tao trying to talk to her?

Qiao Wei thought for a while. She remembered that Ruan Tao was introverted and shy in the original book. Does Ruan Tao have something to say to herself, but feel embarrassed?

Thinking about this, Qiao Wei decided to tentatively stretch out his hand to say hello to Ruan Tao, but at this moment, Ruan Tao didnt know why she suddenly turned away from her eyes, and turned her head as if she hadnt seen Qiao Wei and continued to talk to her teammates. Began to talk.

Oops, it seems that I am thinking too much.

Qiao Wei seemed to feel embarrassed and lingered for a while, and then quickly realized that there were other people around, and quickly went to see if she was seen as stupid. They were relieved to confirm that they had not been seen by Luan Zhen. , And pretended to be innocent, and went back to discuss with his teammates.

[Hahaha, my sisters dull look is too funny, isnt it?]

[How did my sister be so funny and so cute? 】

In the live broadcast room, a hahaha barrage floated by, and some people even cut out this paragraph, greeted Qiao Wei, but Ruan Tao's expression when she turned her head turned into an embarrassing .JPG emoticon pack and started to play with it. Come.

"Damn, have you remembered the lyrics and the dance clearly?"

Although some players will rehearse again when they are waiting in the backstage, in fact, everyone is already familiar with the repertoire of the performance, so more players are just adjusting their mentality and praying that they can come up with the level of normal training. That's enough.

For todays first stage, Qiao Wei and the others have practiced many times over and over again, so Qiao Weis body and mind still retain the corresponding memory. Coupled with the training last night, Qiao Wei is not worried about forgetting words. Or things like forgetting to move.

"Well, it's clear."

Hearing Luan Zhen's question to himself, Qiao Yan nodded, with a faint smile on his face, "Moreover, my part is relatively simple, while Luan Zhen's tone down is more difficult for you.

Qiao Wei asked while looking at Luan Zhen with her watery eyes, with worries written in her eyes.

Luan Zhen's heart softened, and he stretched out his hand to pat Qiao Fu's shoulder, and smiled: "Don't worry about me, is there anything you are not sure about?"

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