Again - 🦄

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Ship : JihY/n

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Ship : JihY/n

Summary : Someone forgot their millionth date

You : Jihyo's girlfriend duhh

People : Jihyo, Y/n, Sana

Type : angst fluff??

Promotion : Follow me on tiktok i post au's there!! @jhyowrites

Jihyo Pov:
it was around 5:30 in the evening and I woke up from a deep sleep, I couldnt really sleep last night cause y/n was with sana..  then suddenly something got in my mind and i excitedly remember that we have a cooking date today

but when i left our room to do my stuff, i saw no one in the living room, i even checked the bathroom and the guestroom

"y/n?" i say looking for her in each room i just entered.

"wait let me text her" i say plopping down on the couch, going through y/n's number

"wait let me text her" i say plopping down on the couch, going through y/n's number

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"ahuh why isnt she replying?" i asked placing my phone down, turned on the tv.

Since i had nothing else to do i just made the lasagna on my own. I finished making the lasagna and put it in a tupperwear on our island table.

Y/n's Pov:

91+ messages - My Jihyo

"yah y/n why does your phone keep ringing? Its annoying" sana asks sipping her coffee and fixes her hair in the store mirror

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