Chapter 15: Past and Present

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Author's pov

She opened her eyes in a daze. A sudden light made her eyes to squeeze again.

"She is awake....she just opened her eyes..."

She heard a whisper around her. She felt extremely tired to open her eyes. She felt her mouth getting dry.


She whispered.

Immediately she felt a soft touch on her back. Someone is trying to lift her up while the other person is giving her water. She drank few drops but end up coughing badly.


She heard a soft voice. She breathed faintly. After few more minutes, she gain the power to look at her surrounding.

She is in a hospital.

She can't remember anything. Her mind is appearing absolutely blank. She looked at those two lady helplessly.


She failed to form any sentence. It felt like she hasn't spoken for years.

"Relax... actually you were admitted here two months back..."

Her eyes got widened.

Two months!

She has no memory getting admitted here! She just remember that black cell where she has been kept for the last 1 year. Everywhere was only darkness. She was in a black hole. They only gave her food. She screamed and cried many times but they never let her out.

Panick struck her. She jumped down off the bed and straightly ran out.

The two ladies followed her instantly but she directly ran outside. She wants to see the sky. She hasn't seen the sky for a long time. She ran like a hungry person. She came outside and then she find the sky. Tears gathered into her eyes and she directly fell on the grass covered ground.

She kissed the ground madly. She touched those grasses and inhaled it through all her soul.

The two ladies has already came out. They were shocked after seeing her state.

They looked at each other in confusion. What has actually happened to her? She looks so young.

She lay on her back and looked at the sky hungrily. Tears were not stopping even for a second. She is still not believing that she is finally free from that darkness.

After a long time she smiled.

"Are you alright?"

Finally one of the lady asked her. Now she looked at them. Her mind is now working. She is getting her senses back.

"Where am I?"

She asked while standing up.

"This is an are admitted to the personal home of were in coma for the last two months..."

Her eyes got widened.

"What happened to me? How did you find me?"

She asked in fear.

We find you near the railway station. You were unconscious and wounded.

Now she held her head. Tears after tears streamed down off her eyes.

" mirror please?"

She asked in a shaky tone.

The ladies didn't say anything.

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