Chapter 10

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Author's pov.

"We-we are sorry but we couldn't save the b-baby"

The statement left every member of the family in stunned silence. None of them knew how to react to such an absurd and unexpected news. The doctor, observing their expressions, was perplexed.
She had anticipated a furious outburst or accusations, fearing that the family might blame her for the loss of the infant, which had died before even being born, she though being worried that her career might be jeopardized.

But here, instead, the family stood as though frozen, their shock palpable. The air was thick with a heavy, unsettling silence, and she could almost feel the dangerous tension radiating from the men.

"Um... y-you can... meet the patient once she regains consciousness. Uh... please excuse me,"

the doctor stammered, her voice trembling slightly as she made her hasty exit. Her instinct told her to retreat from the menacing atmosphere surrounding her.

"S-Saira was pregnant?"

Shikha (Abhimaan's mother) said with tears in her eyes not believing in those words that left her lips

"Vihaan, make sure the words don’t get out,"

Vikrant said, his voice cold and his teeth clenched as he addressed his son.

"Rest assured, Father,"

Vihaan replied with unwavering confidence.

"Daksh, get the details,"

Abhimaan commanded, his voice echoing through the hallway, causing everyone to shiver. The sheer intensity of his tone left no room for doubt—whoever had dared to harm his sister was in for a dire fate. They understood that the person was likely to face a painfully drawn-out end, or perhaps something even worse, given the gravity of their offence.

"Yes, bhai"

Daksh replied immediately.

Meanwhile, the doctor treating Aisha emerged from the door, almost immediately gaining everyone's attention

"How is my daughter doctor?"

Shikha asked the doctor, her anxiety evident,

"Don't worry, Ma'am, she is completely fine now,"

the doctor assured her

"We've stitched the wounds, but she has lost quite a bit of blood, so she will need to remain in the hospital until tomorrow."

"Um...Sir, I would like to speak with you about your wife in my office,"

the doctor spoke turning towards Abhimaan, gesturing him towards the corridor. He nodded curtly and followed her, his demeanor suggesting he was already preoccupied with the troubling news. The rest of the family sensed that something was amiss and watched with mounting concern as the doctor led him away.

>Inside the cabin<

They both sat down and Abhimaan gestured her to speak

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