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Who was he? "Chigiri Hyoma." That's his name. The name he told her with that unloving expression of his. He looks sweet but he wasn't. Not to those he held no sort of trust for. He was hostile.

But she couldn't help but be reminded of a strawberry everytime she saw him. It was unfortunate that strawberries rot so quickly. Maybe this one will last a little bit longer? She didn't expect much off of him. Why? Because of his eyes. He didn't look as if he cared. He had the eyes of somebody who had given up.

That was the one thing she hated more than almost anything. People who had a chance and wasted it. People who were willing to waste that chance. So what if there was a disadvantage? If you had a problem you couldn't fix, use it. If it wasn't going to kill you, if you didn't know if it would hurt you, if you simply didnt want a risk, risk everything. Do so as if your life is hanging by a thread.

"I'm Vasílissa. Eris Vasílissa, but you know that, don't you?" Her voice seemed to constantly be mocking — something he derived from watching her interactions with Raichi. The way she only smiled when it was in her favour. She never meant it, she made that obvious. Because she knew humans much more than she thought she did.

Not so eagerly, the boy nodded his head. "I will state so again, I harbor negative feelings towards you." He was so formal. She disliked it, but it made her develop an eye for him. A new angel for her. If she managed to turn this angel into something worthy,  maybe her God would be pleased.

It was difficult to please the devil, and she knew that. So what if he didn't trust her? She would make him need her. Make him a puppet on her string. Truly, it was exciting. "I see. Then, Chigiri, that's not important." She glanced over him for a second time just so he'd notice. "You're weak. I can tell. And honestly, I have no hatred for the weak. But your type of weak truly are pathetic." Her hands staying in front of her, palms together. "You lack ego, Chigiri. You lack fire. I came to make people's flames burn blue, not create a flame myself. "

Those eyes of hers glanced over his. "If you create the flame, then I'll add more gasoline." An innocent smile with such crude words. "Till then, please get out. Because frankly, you disgust me." She laughed. That wasn't a complete lie. "But I have hope for you." She believed he could become something worth remembering. She believed he could learn to fly. Because wingless birds can't ever reach the sun. Wingless birds are stuck on land. A bird cannot force itself to swim, so it's only option is to fly. It shouldn't force itself into water where it's only destined to drown.

"Don't drown. Okay, strawberry?" Slurring the nickname on her tongue. She always likes strawberries. She liked the way they tasted. She liked the way the looked. She liked the way they felt in her mouth. And with that, before the boy could leave, Eris did first. 

Scanning for her next target, her eyes landed on a boy. A boy who looked a bit like a bee. A boy who was talking to Isagi Yoichi. However, she was saving Isagi for later. She likes his aura and she wants nothing to do with the destruction of it. She wants it to grow, engulf the air with it. Suffocate the likes of others with it. She had her preferences but she'd have no choice but to speak with everyone there.

Luckily, this was her selection period. A list of their names on her tablet and a touchscreen pen. A line crossing the names of those who she deemed as unworthy. Not the last, but the least came Igarashi Igaguri. He looked a bit like a monk. But Eris did not judge based on looks but the eyes, the tone, the words, the flame.

All of which he had very little. No flame, and his eyes were so... Awful. Not in a sense that they looked bad but in a sense that he didn't see things. He hasn't tried hard enough. She didn't know what to feel because aside from his pathetic flirting.

"Are you an escalator, because I prefer being on you."

I was awful. It was like a clown telling a shitty joke to a silent crowd. She didn't laugh or smile. She instead just told him to go. But she wasn't going to ignore the clear desperation in his eyes. Although, she wouldn't pay much attention to him. She wouldn't do anything bad either.

Which is what people expected, right? Obviously not. She drew a line over his name. Eris had no sympathy for the weak. Nobody had sympathy for her when she was weak. When she was a little girl. Therefore, she had no reason to show kindness. She destroys, not creates.

Eris does not make something as a destroyer. All she can do is amplify it at most. There has to be a base. And if that base was absent, so was she. She cares so little about others. She had no plans to change and noone had plans to make her change. They had no right.

Her eyes scanned over the ginger once it came to his turn. He was sweet and heroic. Something about protection and whatever. He would come of use someday. But it wasn't now. That did not mean she would eliminate it. There was a fire, and she was not going to let it die out.

What kind of angel would she be then? Eris's eyes did the nodding for her. "Kunigami Rensuke. Lose the selflessness." It was easier said than done. "I don't care if you become the most selfish, heartless person in the world. Do it." Truthfully, she didn't care. She was just doing her job.

Nothing else was important. These people were of no importance at all. Especially the extras who passed by her. The one boy, black hair, shoulder length. She didn't like his kind of fire. It was too clingy. It didn't rely on belief but self doubt. It was selfish but the pathetic kind. Kuon, was it?

His name was crossed out quite quickly.

"You're taking too long, me next."

Too close to her. Too comfortable. Too much of everything. Too much of a freak. She liked him.



Chapter rewritten on: 11/02/2024
Word count: 1117 words

Take care, my lost star. Find your constellation.

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