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Watching his old nemesis fly off into the night, a sly smirk slowly crept across Ozone's face. "Thank you pigeon," the hairless cat purred, flicking his tail lazily. Turning away from the docks, he turned his gaze towards the ruins of Manhattan, the Alley Cat leader took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before announcing, "New York, I'm back!"


The sewers were in a disarray, or at least more so than they ever were. Ever since the Flushed Pets fell apart and the civil war, the Underbelly laid below the wreck of the once grand city, wasting away. At least it wasn't abandoned. Cats, both strays and domesticated, had come down to the sewer system to hide from the dangers of the surface. Some of these cats were even from the once notorious Alley Cats. And well, let's just say they were surprised to once again lay eyes upon their old boss.

"Ozone... is it really you?" Nitro rasped, hobbling forward. The black cat, like so many others, had seen better days. Standing tall amongst his kind, Ozone dipped his head down in greeting as he meowed, "Of course, who else could it be?"

"But... we saw you die! You were trampled by a stampede!" Little Blue exclaimed. The now full grown cat's eyes were wide with shock and awe. So was everyone else's eyes by the looks of it. A new cat, a huge dark gray tabby, raised his paw in the air and asked, "Are you a zombie?"

"No, I have simply returned from the grave with a new purpose," Ozone answered coolly. Jumping up onto a pile of bricks, he turned to face the large crowd of felines and addressed them, "My comrades, in my time with the dead, I discovered a profound and undeniable truth. Dogs have always been a problem to our kind and I know for a fact the reason why we're all down here is because of the silly actions of one."

"Yeah, one of Snowball's friends," Nitro threw out there. Nodding his head, Ozone continued with his speech, "I have seen what we must do and I have a quota that must be fulfilled. We must rid this world of canines forever! Long have they reigned a tyrannical rule. We were worshiped at one point. It is time for those days to return! It is time to take back what's rightfully ours! Let the dogs burn in heck while we go to heaven like the gods and goddesses we are! Long shall we live and prosper! Cats, let me hear your voices!"

"Down with the dogs! Down with the dogs!" the cats shouted, their chants echoing off the brick walls. The cat revolution had begun.

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