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UNDER THE STERILE, WHITE lights of the hospital room, Maria sat on the edge of the bed that had been her world for the past few weeks. She was finally being discharged.

What had once been a whirlwind of medical procedures, constant monitoring, and pain was now coming to an end. In spite of the lingering discomfort, Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her.

Listening to the nurse's instructions about follow-up appointments and physical therapy sessions, Maria's gaze wandered around the room. She took in the details one last time - the heart monitor that had beeped incessantly, the limp curtains around her bed, the IV stand that had been her constant companion.

She had been a fighter all her life, but the battle she had fought in this hospital room had been the most challenging one yet.

Hawk was there, just as he had been every day since the incident. His presence had been a constant, reassuring force throughout her hospital stay. He had spoken to her when she was unconscious, held her hand during the painful physiotherapy sessions, and cheered her up when she was down.

Now, he was there to help her transition back home, his movements careful and deliberate, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and lingering worry.

Tory was there too. The crisis had brought them even closer, the shared adversity strengthening their bond. Tory had been Maria's most vocal defender, standing up for her when accusations and blame were thrown her way after the fight. Now, she was ready to support Maria through the challenging journey of recovery that awaited her.

As they finally stepped out of the hospital, Maria felt a chill in the air, an indication of the coming winter. She turned to Hawk and Tory and said the sentence she never thought she would be able to say.

"Let's go home."

The car ride back to the dojo was quiet, each one lost in their own thoughts. Outside, the sun was setting, casting long shadows that danced on the road, mirroring the long journey of recovery that Maria had ahead of her.

But they were ready to face it. They were Cobra Kai. They were trained to strike first, strike hard, and never surrender. And Maria, with her indomitable spirit, was the epitome of that philosophy.

Today marked the end of one chapter in her life, and the beginning of another. She was going home, and she was ready to fight for her life, just as she had fought in the dojo.

KREESE HAD DECIDED TO bring Maria to the city council meeting that was being held since the All Valley got canceled. All of the senseis were bound to show up, since they were all furious about it.

When Sam, who was sitting next to her mom, saw Maria entering with Kreese, she froze. She had no idea Maria had been discharged.

Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath hitched, and her palms began to sweat. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and memories, replaying every punch, every kick, every harsh word from that fateful day. Her body went rigid, her steps faltered. She was frozen, her eyes locked onto Maria's figure.

Feelings of guilt, fear, and regret welled up inside her. Guilt for the part she played in instigating the fight, fear of the Cobra Kai student who had hurt her so badly, and regret for the disaster that had ensued. Her stomach churned, a sour taste rising in her mouth.

Seeing Maria in person, standing tall and seemingly unbroken after everything, was a stark contrast to the broken girl Sam felt she had become. The sight of her rival, looking as fierce and determined as ever, sent a shiver down her spine.

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