Y/N has done too much

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It's time for me to talk about this situation honestly and directly, without making it too fancy. I'll just say what I think, so it's clear.

Before I get into the main issue...

...let's start by looking at this video that explains Uzi and N seem like a great couple. Then, I'll explain why their relationship might have some problems in my fanfic exclusively, mainly because....

Y/N did too much.

Point #1: Khan isn't everything to Uzi, he's not everything she has.

Even before Y/N started thinking for themselves and getting close to Uzi, they had a strong bond. It's not just because Y/N met Uzi before N did, but because Y/N was exactly what Uzi needed.

Uzi needed a power source for her railgun, and she found Y/N in a uranium mine by pure luck. It was like looking for silver and finding a diamond.

Admittedly, Y/N sometimes struggled to control their nuclear power, which frustrated Uzi. But she still preferred having an inexperienced guardian over having no protection at all.

As time went on, Y/N became more self-aware and developed real feelings. They started caring about Uzi, not just as the drone that activated them, but as a family member. It was like experiencing the love of a sibling, something Uzi had either never gotten or hadn't realized was there to give back.

Point #2: N met Uzi's needs, but Y/N was what she really wanted.

It's common for people to mix up what they want with what they actually need, and Uzi was no different. To her, Y/N was everything she longed for: a powerful weapon to fight off those dangerous Murder Drones and protect herself.

This view didn't change from chapters 1 to 5, where Uzi saw Y/N as a practical tool and even gave it a name. But Chapter 6 brought a big shift.

Unlike N, who had left her, Y/N returned to help Uzi after she got seriously hurt, even sacrificing a part of themselves to heal her. Uzi slowly realized that Y/N meant more than just a weapon.

Things really changed in Chapter 7 when Y/N officially became part of the Doorman family. At first, Uzi resisted this idea, but her resistance to admitting her feelings for someone she initially saw as a mere follower started to crumble.

Uzi's growing affection for Y/N came from all the little things, like pranks they pulled on Rebecca involving marbles or when they questioned Khan's questionable parenting choices.

But what really sealed the deal for Uzi was the fact that they were both Atomizer Drones, a unique connection that made them like siblings.

Point #3: Even though Y/N might not have as much personality as N, there's something Uzi appreciates about them that N doesn't do very often...

...they follow orders. On the flip side, N provides the emotional support Uzi needs to deal with her moody side, something Y/N might not show as much. But Uzi's choice to get closer to Y/N makes sense for a few good reasons:

- Y/N has consistently saved Uzi's life many times.
- Y/N helped Uzi become more self-sufficient when she turned into an Atomizer Drone.
- Y/N sticks by Uzi's side unless told otherwise.
- Uzi knows she's at the top of Y/N's priority list.
- Y/N has more power and reliability in tough situations.

Basically, while N might seem more lively and independent, Y/N has the ability to truly care for, protect, and nurture Uzi while sticking to her instructions to achieve their goals.

Y/N usually doesn't question orders and does what they're told, while N often takes cues from his old friend Tessa. So, having Y/N around more consistently has had a bigger impact on their growth together with Uzi, which is why she prefers her relationship with Y/N over her relationship with N.

These are the main points I wanted to make. If you do have any questions, leave them here and I'll do my best to answer them.

Also, because she's an Atomizer Drone, Uzi doesn't have an inferiority complex...

...she IS superior

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