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"Sister midnights i'm home!" Said karma as she walked inside the house. Midnights,drunk on the floor as always.
"Midnights,you okay?"
Karma said as she kneeled on the ground next to midnights.
"Wakey-wakey!" Karma said as she shaked midnights.

"Sister midnights...do I need to call reputation on the telephone?" Karma said worried. "Hello? Earth to midnights! Can you hear me?" She said.
She's not going to say anything,is she? Karma thought. Karma gets up to call reputation on the telephone. 6... karma thought as she put it in the telephone. The telephone rings...
"Hello! Lover speaking!" The voice on the other end says.

"Lover? I thought I called rep?"karma says in confusion.

"Yeah, You called rep I just came to her house to drop something off and she told me to answer the telephone!" Says lover on the other side of the telephone.

"Lover who was it?" Rep says in the background of the other side of the telephone call.

"It's karma!" Says lover as she hand the telephone to reputation.
"Hello? What is it this time karma?" Reputation asks. "It's about midnights..." karma says. Reputation lets out a big sigh on the other line.

"That girl needs to keep herself together," Reputation says in disappointment. "The longest time I haven't got a call by you was for 2 days.. She was so close to beat that by one day.." Reputation finish's.

"And karma I can't help you right now,I'm...busy." Says reputation on the telephone. "WAI-" karma say before reputation hangs up. Karma sighs, what do I do now? Karma thinks long and hard about it. Now I know what to do.

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