~ Trapped ~

22 1 0

Song: Ylang Ylang

"No way, are fucking with me?" Bella's jaw drops to the floor whilst clenching her hands in her freshly styled hair. I cue, widening my eyes to reveal how serious I am.

I can already see the entirety of her face turning a bright shade of red. I don't know if it's from rage or what's supposed to be stress, either way I'm more concerned by her level of composure, since she's the worst at keeping her cool.

"What's our next move?" She buriers her face in the palm of her hands, while muffling dramatically, still not giving me a answer.

She jerks her head up and her expression turns cold, slowly turning her head side to side, her eyes searching every corner of the room, "Wait...do you think they're still here," silence fills the air as if they were going to jump out any second.

"Boo!" My body jolts backward and she starts laughing hysterically, I think she's officially gone mad.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they never left to begin with, if they went through all that trouble just to stalk and track me down, who knows what else they would do," I cup my face, whilst rubbing my eyes trying to ease my nerves. "Ugh~, this is all too much, it's making me nauseous," she groans, resting both hands on my shoulders.

My head depresses, disappointed by her lack of guidance. But what did I even expect, she has never been good at processing these kinds of situations anyway. "I'll go and fetch some water," I trail my way to the kitchen, until I feel her hand grip my arm, I turn my head to meet her cheeky eyes," how about some wine instead?" Winking at an alarming rate, I just roll my eyes knowing the fateful danger in that very sentence.

I pace out of the room, before she gets any ideas, and I know damn well she would finish all the alcohol in my pantry if given the chance. Which is why I need to keep a eye on her from time to time or she'll burn this world to the ground just for a laugh, alcohol can really ruin her common sense, but at least it's entertaining to watch. I turn on the tap, filling my cup all the way to the brim and I squeeze some lemon juice inside. I turn resting it on the counter, noticing I only have a small chunk left, I realise a melodramatic sigh whilst making my way outside.

As I go to step into the backyard I trip over an object right beside the sliding door. I tilt my head down to be met with an open box, inside.... a necklace.

I can feel my blood turn cold and my body stiffens. Next to it rests a letter tied together with a red ribbon, talk about discrete. This definitely wasn't here before, I searched every inch, every corner of this house, all to give myself some peace of mind that the psychopath didn't have anymore surprises waiting for me. But yet I wasn't even able to hear the asshole when I was just in the other room, barely dealing with Bella's mental state.

My eyes dart through the entire scape of the backyard and kitchen, to see that no one is in here but me. Squatting down, I eye off the pair, I stare, not daring to break eye contact as if it would grow legs and waddle its way out if I did. My hand spasm as I doubtingly reach down and grip the letter, shaking uncontrollably I untie the ribbon slowly as if what's inside would be the grand answer to all my life's problems.

From my heart to yours, Lana.

The world goes silent. A forbidding surge of dread mixed with fear clouds my mind, causing my eyes to glare aimlessly at the six words I wished to never read again. Flustered, I hurry away back to the kitchen, throwing it away without a second thought. I still can hear Bella from the other room, it's seems she hasn't suspected anything yet, even though I've  been taking my sweet time, but that won't be the case for long.

I don't even attempt to walk through the hallway, as shadows clutter my view of the entrance, they could be hiding or worse waiting for me to pass by to do God knows what to me. This may be a decision I might regret but I'm not going to let this asshole dictate where I can go, even if that means I'm possibly met with death along the way.

Come in as you please? And scare me shitless, with no bother of getting caught, you think I'm just a weak and helpless little bitch that will let you get away with toying with me. Arrogant prick. You're confident that you wont get caught, so you treat my home as an open auction and me as your puppet. Well big fucking mistake.

It wouldn't be smart to act now, and even if I wanted to, I'd only make a fool of myself since there is nothing I could do that would change a thing, that very fact makes me shamefully helpless. But a part of me still wants to explore.

Sucking in a deep breath, a dreaded urge guides my feet, making me falter with every step. I make it to my room, tracing my eyes to the handle as I slowly turn the golden hilt, trying my best to not make even the slightest creak.

In the back of my mind I almost hope they're in there, no exact reason, just dying to see who the fucker is.

Managing to sneak a little peak through the door, I drift my arm out to the side, before I could reach for the light, my heads snaps forward to the sound of footsteps from inside my room. My face is merely inches away from the door and I can feel my breath becoming increasingly fatigued but I can't find it in me to confront them, one swing of my door and this heartache will be over.

It wouldn't be easy to confront the psycho, especially after the other day but seriously what  choice do I have. Accepting this verity I rest my hand on the large frame and count down from five, slowly working up the courage. With every passing number the more fear holds me back. Two...one...zero, I suck in a deep breath and....feel something rest on my shoulder?

My heart skips a beat, leaving my body paralysed from head to toe. My eyes stare aimlessly as I wait for what awaits my little life.

I won't budge. I won't leave. I won't run.
I won't budge. I won't leave.

I will not run

"Lana?" A familiar voice softens the ropes around my neck, giving me the sweet sensation of realise.

Turning my body to face hers, I meet her planted expression. Her eyes were glazed and frantic, switching between my right and left, plagued by so many questions but not enough words to articulate.

Until she asked the very thing I knew I would regret answering. "They were in there, weren't they?" She grips my hand and pulls me into her arms. "I don't know..." I lie, holding her tighter, nearly of the brink of tears.

I just can't tell her yet, it would only drag her into a state she doesn't deserve, I need to deal with this mess on my own it's my fault after all.

Even though I'm fucking horrified, and quite frankly surprised that I'm not dead already. I'm not leaving, not anytime soon.



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