Chapter 4: Somebody's Watching Me

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Turner Residence:

While sitting in front of his desk, deep in thought with his hands covering his face, Y/N hears papers rattling downstairs from his room, seems dad has now gotten busy, even at home. The Kira investigation seems to have now been kicked to the max, whatever assembling they were probably doing, it looks to be over and the team is now on full search mode for their target. Should Y/N be worried? If you asked him a few days ago, he would say no, but something about that guy's press conference, attempting to call him out, has left a bad feeling in his stomach. He seemed so confident about what he was saying, in a way that's made him feel if he knows more than the others on that team.

Feeling his brain starting to hurt from thinking too much, Y/N gets up from his chair and heads downstairs, where he spots his dead working on the dinner table that's now turned into a second office. "You guys getting close to catching Kira?" Y/N asks his dad, grabbing his attention, the dinning room's light being the only one turned on. 

"Oh, I'd say the haystack's down to a hay pile, still a lot of hay." James remarks with a mental shrug. Y/N believes him since his dad isn't always this optimistic unless they're getting just a foot forward to their mark. You could say he's being paranoid, but now that the Task Force has seen through his Japanese name trick, he's gotten the hint that they've narrowed it down to America, Seattle, probably thanks to that guy in the hoodie. 

"I saw the press conference today." Y/N says as he slowly steps out of the shadows, next to his father. "Who's that guy on T.V with the turtleneck?" He then asks curiously, wanting whatever information about that person that he can get. 

"You like that look? I think of taking it myself." James humorously quips as he sips his coffee. Y/N works up a smile in response, though he's sadly lost his sense of humor at the moment. He should probably call Ryuk to get it back, or 911 report a kid a hoodie that stole it. The second one might be better, consider that the kid already looks sketchy as it is. "Goes by L. He's an independent investigator." James tells him, the latter waits for more, but the sentence ends there, much to his disappointment.

"You don't even know what his name is?" Y/N queries as he moves to sit across from him. So not only does this guy hide his face, but his identity as well? That can prove to be a very, very big problem. 

"About the only thing I know is that he's got some handler named Watari, which also sounds like a codename since his card didn't have any last name on it. Also likes ice cream." James mentions, and Y/N mentally clicks that into his head in case he needs to interact with this Watari. "He's connected an awful lot of dots."

"You think it's personal for him? That he's connected so many dots because he knows Kira?" Y/N suggests, remembering the way L told that speech on TV earlier. He spoke as if he knew him, which pissed Y/N off a little, obviously, but that's probably the idea L was going for. 

"I'm not so sure, he has a history for cracking big cases like this, it probably feels mandatory for him now." James mentions. "Besides, I think you can tell when you're sitting cross from a killer like Kira." He adds, which would cause everyone in the room to collectively cackle like hyenas if not for the fact Y/N has to play it cool.

"Right, of course." Y/N nods agreeingly, before asking a question that's been looming in his head. "What happens when they catch Kira?" Y/N queries, tilting his head curiously. If an entire task force has been made to catch him, it sounds like it's worth life or the chair. Hopefully not the latter. Though now he wonders how it would be if he got put in prison.... actually, he probably doesn't want to know.

"Well.... he's murdered over four-hundred people, so, my guess.... it's probably gonna be a fight between those that want to hang him and those who want to dissect him and figure out how he did it." James theorizes, and Y/N can't help but admit that he felt a slight chill after that. However, he manages to hold a straight face. But then... what did he expect? Now one thing's clear.

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