Chapter Sixteen

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Minho basically came stumbling into the cabin and quickly shut the door, closing off the storm that raged outside. Jisung couldn't help laughing at the don's unruly appearance as he his clothes ran like a river onto the carpet.

"Are you going to say an old person thing like 'it's raining cats and dogs out there'?" Jisung teased, watching with great admiration while Minho ran his hand through his soaked hair.

"We've talked about this, if you call me old, I'll start calling you kid."

"I was making fun of the way you talk, not commenting on your age."

Minho scoffed, shaking his head. "Brat."

Jisung grinned and motioned at the two bags now sitting at Minho's feet. "Do you need help with any of that while you... sort yourself out?"

"No, you just sit there and look pretty while I hop in the shower. I'm making the food, so don't you dare step foot into that kitchen while I'm in the bathroom."

"Was that an attempt at flirting?"

Minho crossed the cabin, ruffling Jisung's hair as he passed. "No, you're just pretty, it's a fact. Now stay."

"Yes sir." Jisung mocked a salute, which made Minho roll his eyes before he disappeared into the bathroom. Curiosity got the best of Jisung and he ran over to the bags, rummaging through them to see what there was. They contained nothing of interest, which only made him more curious about what the mafia don was planning.

Once Minho was cleaned up and in fresh clothes, he got to work in the kitchen, refusing to answer Jisung's questions about what he was making and why. Jisung eventually gave up asking and just watched Minho cook. His pushed back hair and rolled up sleeves really decorated the scene, and Jisung was enjoying it.

He couldn't seem to look at anything else, and his mind circled around in a dance with his heart. Jisung hadn't noticed until now that he'd missed Minho today. A lot, actually. The cabin was strangely empty in his absence, which didn't really make sense, considering he was with Seungmin all day. Still, his heart felt at peace yet elated the moment Minho walked through that door.

Oh shit. I think I like him. A lot.

Jisung didn't shake the thoughts away this time, instead watching the don cook for him with a small smile on his face. Maybe he was a little crazy for liking this man, but... he didn't really care.

It wasn't until Minho was nearly done that Jisung realized what he was making. "Is that Bulgogi?"

Minho smiled crookedly. "That took you longer to figure out than I thought it would."

"Hey, it's not like I have a clear view of what you're doing," Jisung defended. He popped to his feet and wandered over to the kitchen. "Is this keeping your promise of fighting me over dinner?"

"It is, actually. I'm glad you remembered."

"Of course I did, I don't have the memory of a goldfish."


Jisung laughed in realization. "Wait, you can't use that against me. I didn't forget everything, my memories were taken. Aside from that, I have an excellent memory."

Minho smiled as he began dishing the food. "You do have a good memory, I will give you that. That's one of the reasons you were the main informant for Nightfield, right?"

"One of many, yes."

"Alright, I get it, you're amazing in every other way."

"There you go."

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