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It has been a couple of months since you guys came home. You had all four ghouls in your room cuddling you when Aurora knocks on your door. "Starfire, are you and the four ghouls in your room? I wanted to check on you guys and make sure everything is okay." she said as she waited patiently outside of your room. "Yes we are, you are more than welcome to come in. They are asleep so just be quiet when you come in through the door. I don't want Sodo waking up being aggressive towards you." I said as she slowly walked through the door being really quiet and tip-toeing to the end of my bed sitting on my couch. We were talking about random things when we see Sodo and Rain slowly waking up looking at Aurora confused as to why she was in my room. "Oh hey Aurora, how are you doing?" Rain asked her as he was looking at me with a smile. "I'm doing good Rain. I came to check on you guys and seeing how you guys are." she said with a smile looking at the four ghouls in my room. Swiss and Phantom had woken up looking at everyone with a tired smile. "Good morning you two, how did you guys sleep?" Sodo and Aurora said in unison and laughed. I noticed the four ghouls and the way they looked. I was admiring them when they all broke me out my trance by waving their hands in front of my face. "Earth to Y/n, what were you looking at, darling?" Sodo asked while looking at the other's smirking know damn well he knew what I was looking at. "Oh, I-I was just admiring my ghouls that's all." I said while I buried my face in Phantom's chest blushing. I didn't want them to know how flustered they make me. "Okay guys, I'm gonna head out. I love you all see you later." Aurora said while she walked out and closed my door. The three ghouls all looked at me with my face still in Phantom's chest and Phantom looked down and noticed I had my eyes closed. "Princess, are you tired? Do you want us to lay down so you can sleep?" He asked as I nodded my head and proceeded to carry me bridal style to the bed and laid me down on his chest purring. Swiss was on Phantom's left side cuddling his arm while Rain and Sodo were on the other side of the bed cuddling with us three. They were all purring and wagging their tails happily as we went back to sleep in the warmth of everyone cuddling each other.

I was the first person to wake up and I needed to take a shower. What I didn't realize was the tails of the four ghouls were wrapped around my legs and thighs. I had also felt arms wrapped around my waist and looked over my shoulder to see Phantom and Sodo both holding my waist as I tried to get out of bed without waking any of them up. I heard faint snoring beside me and saw Swiss looking over at me as he had just woken up. The snoring was coming from Rain behind Sodo, me and Swiss tried not to laugh really loud and wake the others up. We noticed Sodo and Phantom waking up and Sodo being a dick, he decided to wake Rain by licking his ear and whispering something to him to try wake him up. It instantly woke Rain up because we all saw something poking out from underneath the blanket. He took notice of what we were staring at and tried to cover it up. He started blushing hella crazy and looked at me with a smile as Sodo pulled him into his arms having lay in his lap gently petting his hair between his horns. Swiss dragged me out of bed and hopped in the shower with me while Phantom was putting the other two ghouls to bed before joining me and Swiss in the shower. Swiss was behind me washing my hair and Phantom being in front of me washing my body carefully trying not to rile me up with the tip of my tail being extremely sensitive because of what I am for my kind. They eventually washed me up and we all got out of the shower and went on about our day. I decided to put on a lingerie set to surprise my ghouls with when we get back from band practice. They won't know how to act when they see me in it. It's the end of band practice and I practically ran out of the door and headed straight to my room. I heard footsteps from the four ghouls approaching my door as I hear them whispering outside my door why I ran to my room very fast. They knocked on the door and slowly opened it to see me laying down in the bed under the covers "asleep". They all jumped in the bed and cuddled me and slowly started purring drifting asleep next to me.

Nameless Ghouls x Fem Reader x Suicideboys 18+Where stories live. Discover now