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Beacon Hills High School would've been eerie to walk through at night no matter what context it was in, Loki told himself as he made his way through the hall. He wished he could have just stayed home and ignored the overwhelming sense of dread, panic, and distress he smelt coming in waves from the direction of the school. This combined with something that smelled oddly of that shitty cologne he had smelled on Stiles days before and a general wet dog smell made it so that no matter how hard he wanted to ignore it, he just couldn't bring himself to.

The halls were only illuminated with faint moonlight from the windows, washing everything in a soft blue. Loki kept his steps quiet, barely letting his Converse hit the ground as he took quick, light steps in the direction of the smell of panic. He eyes darted around, looking for any sign of Scott or Stiles.

The loud crash of glass breaking and something large hitting a wall broke the quiet. Before Loki could even consider any option or plan in his mind, he broke out into a full sprint. He was hardly aware he was even moving until he was already rounding a corner, coming to a complete stop as he came face to face with the biggest creature he had ever seen. Just past the mass of fur he could see the two boys he had been looking for. His eyes found Stiles' for a split second before he looked back to the Alpha right in front of him. He remembered back to the vision he had when the three were at the bus where the driver was attacked, the huge form of the werewolf feeling even bigger now that it was actually in front of him.

"I fucking hate werewolves," He sucked in a deep breathe as the wolf looked between the two boys and the lone gorgon as if deciding who to kill first. He clenched and unclenched his fists, allowing the dull feeling of his venom that he felt constantly to consume him instead of holding it back. He feels his painted black nails grow in longer claws, two of his teeth growing into fangs that fought for room in his mouth. He opens his mouth slightly, allowing for the fangs to poke out from his lips as a loud hiss-like sound escapes him. To anyone nearby, the sounds the boy was letting out made it sound as if he was surrounded by hundreds of angry snakes.

His eyes flick to the two boys on the other side of the Alpha, the pair able to see that Loki's eyes are now black, the iris turning a vibrant green. The wolf had now taken interest with the new creature, not ignoring the other two but clearly curious with a creature he hadn't seen before.

The loud hiss that surrounded Loki somehow became even louder as he maintained eye contact with the Alpha now. "Run, now." He whispered, knowing that Scott would be able to hear him. He watched the two out of the corner of his eye, seeing Scott grab Stiles arm and tug him in the direction away from the Alpha but the human boy didn't budge, instead still staring at the gorgon. Loki watched as the Alpha quickly turned its head, as if just remembering the other two people in the hallway. "Go!" He yelled out to the other two as the Alpha launched itself at them, his own reflexes allowing him to quickly dart after it.

The pair didn't need to be told twice as they sprinted down the hallway, quickly going through a door that Loki recognized was to the stairs. He kept pace with the large wolf, swiping out as it with his claws, finding purchase in its side. He tried to ignore the feeling of skin ripping between his fingers as he used the momentum of the attack and the pain the werewolf was in to get ahead of it as it stopped to turn to the gorgon. Loki didn't stop to attack again, instead following in the direction he had seen Scott and Stiles go in as fast as he could.

He followed their scents into a room, seeing the two run out to a hallway. He quickly made his way up to the two, stopping and trying to catch his breath quickly.

"I slowed it down a little, not much, it's still coming fast." He huffed out, taking small pauses to breathe. He glances back at where he came from, hearing growls grow closer by the second. "I can't take that thing on my own, it's a miracle I even hit it, we need a plan."

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