15. Dewinged

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**Woahhhh we're halfway there!

He was once an angel, one that stood out in a crowd, not only because of his darker colors but because of his status. He was someone close to the higher ups, he was an apprentice yes but that's what made him so important. He was practicing under a forgiving soul, one that was highly regarded and respected in this peaceful land. He too was kind in nature, despite his live before being filled with bloodshed and death, betrayal and pain, he was kind and some even thought he was good looking with all those scars. Of course many knew him, both in a positive light and negative one. Those who knew of him as the destroyer felt as if he didn't deserve the afterlife, should there ever have been one he should be punished to the worse sentence. But here he was, being respected by those who didn't know of his blood stained phalanges. Treating a murderer with more respect than those who died by his hands.

Error himself seemed to know of his misdeeds. He showed his guilt and regret, not bothering to explain that he had no choice in the matter. The only person who knew of his forced job was the soul he was practicing under. Someone who had no knowledge of who he was, was more forgiving than his closest friends. His only friend was the only other person he saw. He slept like a homeless person in front of his mentor's house, not willing to return back to his own home after it was vandalized and his previous experience with a stable place of residence. His own black wings mounted on his back had a few wings torn out from when he first got here. He would try to pull out each wing whenever he had a mental breakdown, feeling as if he didn't deserve his place in a peaceful afterlife. He would pull at his sockets and tear out his ribs to try and feel anything.

He was mental. And everyone knew it. They knew he was schizophrenic, insane, paranoid, deprived of everything normal, and disassociated. He's probably got worse characteristics but that was all they knew before he was torn apart before the void. They all had blood on their hands, each getting a piece of his crumpled body of dust and reconfiguring bones but they did no harm. They were purging a genocider. A murderer. A psychopath. They were doing everyone a favor. A favor that EVERYONE begged for. In their eyes they did nothing wrong.

Yet he still got a spot in this safe space. He deserved nothing like this. He should be sent to the hell he crawled up from, being torn apart exactly how they did it only x10 worse. If the omniverse wouldn't punish the guilt, then they will.

At night when most would be sleeping, Error sat on the floor in front of his mentor's house. He wasn't used to sleeping and wouldn't start now, even if there was no means to keep him up he rubbed his socket open and picked at the soft ground below. He didn't speak often and only spoke when a question wasn't able to be answered with yes or no. He was never comfortable with his own voice and it would constantly be torn with his constant screams of pain. Any pain he had prior to his death was nonexistent and it was actually relieving to not feel pain at his every movement.

A group of winged monsters gathered in the night, being completely silent in their movements. They caught sight of the previous destroyer, he sat peacefully on the steps of a highly respected official. Rubbing his palms on the soft ground that provided stimulation that he apparently liked. They would make sure that this would be his last peaceful moment.

A single monster carefully approached Error who looked up at the approaching monster, his sockets were joined by bags clearly showing his fatigue. His infamous tears looked to threaten the monster but he stood his ground.

"Hey...We got off on the wrong foot in life eh?"

"So a few of my friends wanna apologize for...y'know. Killing ya"

"..." Error just stared at him. He didn't trust his murderer as he's sure they wouldn't trust him. His paranoia served him well at many points in his near immortal life. Saving him from many close encounters with unimaginable pain and unfulfilling truces. He didn't make any sudden moments so as to not trigger any negative actions but that didn't stop the group's plan from continuing.

"Y'know, we really want to turn over a new leaf, but you're making this really difficult"

Still no response. This unintentionally frustrated the group, the monster approached closer to Error, who backed up a step and suddenly jumped on the former god. He struggled but the sudden onslaught of offenders overwhelmed him. He began to scream but his mouth was covered and they proceeded to drag him down the stairs and kept him close to the ground and restrained.

Error tried to take deep and controlled breaths but it was hard to breath with someone digging their foot into his spine and furthermore; his ribs. He attempted to struggle but he felt a tearing on his back. Pain burst on his scapula and his sockets widened. He bit the hand that was holding his mouth close causing the monster covering his hand to retreat. Error tried to scream but he was hit on the hand and was continuously beaten as his wings were pulled and tugged. A cloth was put over his mouth and pulled back, straining his neck as it was pulled back to be a force to push against as his wings and to cause him further pain.

A ripping sound could be heard and the pain became worse and he was soon dropped down to the ground and felt a blooming liquid cover his spine and stick to his coat. He gripped the floor, trying to get away but it was no use as he was dragged back by his remaining wing which flapped helplessly. His torn wing was thrown aside and hit the white ground with a disgusting splerk.

Error gripped the cloth pulled at his mouth and let out a desperate cry that was only heard at his final moments. Panicked voices came from above him and he took their shock to escape and run away, run away to anywhere but here. His legs felt numb from the pressure they sustained, his sole wing dragged behind him, being kicked behind him as he clumsily ran.

The gang of torturers looked at the fading body of their victim, one tried to chase after him but was stopped by another. They simply walked away, content with their deed.

Karma was a bitch and would come to those who deserve it.

**I thought I wasn't going to make it so I drew smth but I ended up busting like 1000 words**so yay

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**I thought I wasn't going to make it so I drew smth but I ended up busting like 1000 words
**so yay

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