Chapter 5

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Nb: Hey guys it's been a fucking while, I apologize haha. life has been crazy and so shitty but i'm back here, and I'll try to update as soon as possible. Not gonna lie your comments under my chapters made me come back so thanks for all the support. I really REALLY appreciate it <3


"What do you mean Midoriya?" Aizawa frowned. "Are you sure about what you saw?"

Midoriya sat there silently and was hesitating to talk, even Aizawa saw that the green haired boy wasn't going to tell him everything straight away. "Fuck 'em kids, I have to keep my cool". Aizawa crouched in order to be at the same height as Deku, so that there would somehow be a feeling of trust and equality, so that Deku wouldn't feel any pressure. Aizawa started to speak calmly in a soft voice: "Now please Midoriya, just tell me what you saw so that we can talk about it and find a solution to the issue"

Deku finally raised his eyes and looked at his teacher "I'm not 100% sure but I-" He suddenly stopped talking, as if he was trying to find the right words. "But I believe Y/n has used their quirk on... you..." Suddenly Deku felt his teacher freeze right on the spot. Trying to keep his calm, Aizawa was starting to feel his blood turn cold and asked Midoriya when exactly did he see his student use their quirk.
"I believe I saw them use it when you scolded them on the roof... I was there but hidden by the door"

Aizawa directly got straight back up on his two feet. He knew Midoriya wasn't lying, he dismissed him after making him promise not to tell any other students or peers and then started thinking. His gut was telling him this was the truth. Y/n had a very powerful and useful quirk, and using it on campus on a faculty member, especially their main teacher was inexcusable. "This was why my memory was so blurry after I scolded them. I was so sure Todoroki was there, but I thought I hallucinated due to my lack of sleep... I should keep my quirk activated now all the time around Y/n. I need to be sure they won't use their quirk on me": But something still felt wrong, and Aizawa couldn't find an answer to his main question: Why would Y/n use their quirk? They were good, productive, and looked fine. "Maybe there are some things I do not know about them". He had decided not to confront them directly, as they could easily manipulate memories and always had a way with words. "Now that I think about it, Y/n could definitely be someone very manipulative", but he giggled and thought how dumb this thought could be, why on earth would one of his students act this way? They couldn't possibly hide anything, could they?

The next day you arrived to school as fresh as a daisy, and were wandering around the hallways, just vibing. Nobody knew that under your sleeves you had tons of new fresh cuts, invisible to the eyes of your fellow classmates, and were there in order to remind you how worthless you were. "Please if there is a god out there, just let me live my life today, I really REALLY do not need to bump into troublemakers, and please be sure that Aizawa will leave me alone." However, the so called "god" didn't care about what you asked for, when you suddenly heard the bell ring and Aizawa's yelling.

"Today I will be having 1 on 1 sessions with all of you in alphabetical order, in order to talk about your school year and progress."

You grumbled "For fuck's sake, why does this always happen when I don't want it to?". Instead of waiting with the other students, you got up and isolated yourself in the bathroom. Sitting on the closed toilets, you looked at the plain wall, left alone with all your thoughts. "What am I even doing with my life? I feel numb. I have no plans. I hate myself with all my guts. Summer will be here in a couple months, what will I do with the spring uniform?" You had so many questions left unanswered in your mind. The thoughts were starting to get too loud. "I could just go right now, and end it all. I could go in and kill all my classmates and not feel a damn thing. How did it turn out like this?" The intrusive thoughts taking over you did what you only knew best, took your blade out, and coped with all your inexistant feelings. After several minutes of self-harming you suddenly heard the principal door to the bathroom be slammed wide open as you heard your teacher yell your name. "Y/n it's your turn. Do not make me wait any longer, your mates told me to stay there for a while."

You sighed and pulled back your sleeves, after checking no blood could be seen from any angle. "You can do this. Just smile, act fine, say what he wants to hear and you can go back to your hideous life." You opened the door, and took a quick glance at your irritated teacher, offered him a natural looking smile, and followed him as he showed you the way to class. He let you enter first before closing the door. "Does he think I'm going to run away?" you thought. You sat down in front of him and patiently waited for him to speak first.

"Y/n I was looking forward to having a small conversation with you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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