┆┆𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.. 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆.. ┆┆

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"they are no longer here.." they died remember?
"i forgot again.."  please take me with you.. i don't want to be here anymore.. they're watching me.. please take me home..

A deathly earthquake that shook almost a whole country, many people died. Burned. Crushed. A melancholy was it and continued to shush the lands as the dates approached of the incident every year.. So.. so many lost their lives.. they were left widowed, orphaned and lost.. A story of a young boy and his dog who lost their family at the sad ages of  6 year and 9 years..

His family had all died in the sorrowful events of 10 years ago.. they died, they burned, they were crushed brutally. Leaving alone the orphan Tommy and his dog Amber who were then taken into the orphanage where they lived their miserable lives for the next ### years.


His bestfriend was adopted by a middle class family and later moved to Birmingham leaving alone the Blond child. Tommy had nothing more now than his dog Amber who brought to him joy and dejection when he looked at her..

"Oh amber.."

The dog in his lap layed with her head on his lap and eyes open looking around as if she felt and thought the same as what of the blond boy.. The two of them sat under a tree in a playground in the early daylight at 5am, surroundings seemed deserted as bare minimum no one there was present and no movement made of which a living. Only the whispering of the winds and the rustling of the leaves and over grown grass.. slight sweaking noises of which the swing that softly swayed along with the wind of the early winter..

"If only you could talk.. Amber we'd be talking every second, we would.."

Amber made a small noise as a 'hum' as she seemed to understand what the 15 year old meant by his words.

The thought flew by his head like a gust of wind and tears came flooding down his face and he silently cried at the saddening thought.. it was until three minutes a tear dropped on Amber that she felt, she got up to see her partner in tears and came closer and performed her action of affection, Tommy hugged her and whispered how he was going to miss her..

"You're nearing your age so fast..! A-and what will hap-happen of me..?! You're t-the only one i-i have l-left.."

Tommy cried his heart and the thought of being left completely alone and departing from his almost life long companion brought to him the worst a feeling one could get.. Amber whimpered herself and leaned in deeper to the hug she and him shared.

"I can't imagine what life would be without you.."

Tommy sniffled and for a few more moments the two stayed in the position, moarning the grief of having to soon leave eachother..


"Where's tom? And his dog whatever the name of it were."

The Supervisor of the orphanage asked around as everyone but Tommy had shown up for dinner, the others themselves had no clue. As the others started to eat their meals the supervisor still set herself in search of the boy, eventually telling her 20 year old assistant Cara to take care of the situation.

Cara Puffy, the kind souled woman who still in university but she stood out as a mother figure to the orphans as she cared for them with utter equality and love.

Searching the rooms of which the kids slept in, the gardens and other parts of the building and it's surroundings no sign of the boy.. She became more worried by the second until she heard a knock on the door. Opening it and relief washed over her as she saw Tommy and Amber unhurt and fine standing there. She quickly hugged the boy and kissed the dog on the head..

"Where were you tom?! I was so worried!"

Cara said as she embraced the boy once more and this time much tighter and much longer. A bit more scolding the two she rushed them in as from inside a voice shouted that it was to rain heavy in a few.

Tommy and Amber had their dinner then and later whilst Amber went to bed, Tommy stayed up writing something on a piece of paper. He silently folded it into a letter went downstairs to where Cara and Susan, the supervisor, were talking about something and packing up for the night..

Tommy knocked on the door, hearing a soft 'come in' by Cara and he entered to see Susan looking at him with curiosity and Cara looked at him with a soft smile and a bit curiosity aswell..

"Need something kiddo?"
Susan asked in her usual casual tone.

"I wanted to ask if you could uhm- sent out this letter to Toby tomorrow early in the morning?"

He said as he set forward his hand in which he held the letter, Cara took it and told him she would do it when the postman comes tomorrow in the morning. Tommy then said his goodbye goodnight to the two females and went to bed..


Screams of agony and anguish were heard round the building.. 9 in the morning everyone woke up startled and worried.. They all gathered in the room where a young boy sat on the floor, hair messed up and face stained and wet from the tears, puffy eyes and uneven breath as he screamed in his torment..

The Supervisor Susan came in running and and distressed as she looked at the child on the floor.. hugging someone with the most utmost grief.. her eyes trailed down to what lay on his lap.. her heartbeat went fast and tears prickled het eyes as she stared in horror..

In his lap the body covered with soft fur of coffee and dark brown layed.. lifeless and cold..

"Everybody out.."

She spoke with uneven breaths, an order for all other kids to leave the room then and there. They left and Susan sat down beside the boy.. hugging him tight as he cried into her sweater..


Tommy stood in the back garden under the early daylight along with some other kids, Susan and Cara who came early from university at the news..

"I'm so so sorry Tommy.."

Cara said with tears streaming down her eyes as she hugged the young boy who held no expression in his face, eyes only looking at the disturbed grass patch, uneven and new..

Later a few moments, everyone but the blond went back inside.. he still looked at the grave with dried tear stains on his face as he sat beside the grave..

"Atleast you're happy now.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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