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"Soo...okay! I guess it's final then, we are absolutely going!" Megan said excitedly as everyone also reacted positively.

"Yeah, the place and the spot sounds amazing we are absolutely going!" said Tyler.

"So When we are going?" asked Arina.

"The day before halloween as we planned to explore the mansion and celebrate halloween at sharp midnight." Brian said.

4 friends, Megan, Arina, Tyler and Brian; talking about the plan for upcoming halloween this year. Every year they always plan something adventurous and this year isn't an exception. Brian found out an abundant haunted mansion on the outskirts of South Carolina and they just discussed about going there the night before halloween. And no, if you are thinking that they are discussing these together sitting in circle, then you are wrong. They were talking on Skype as it was already too late for everyone to meet.

Finally they made their mind up about having a visit in that haunted mansion to enrich their adventurous soul and to quench their thirst for paranormal experience.

They bade "goodnight" and ended their sweet talking. Megan, Arina, Tyler and Brian were friends from middle school. Though Megan and Brian only passed college together and other two graduated from different, still their bond remained super strong. From school they were known as "The Four". Always brilliant, smart, playful and quite adventurous, just like you see just now.

Megan exhaled while smiling after the conversation ended. Truly, this year is going to be another beautiful memory. She thought.

She looked outside of the window and the moon was in it's almost half phase. Today is September 30th. Only a month to go.

Megan came outside to her room balcony to get a clear view of the night sky. It was past midnight. Soft, cold breeze was breezing as the September rain just stopped pouring and the atmosphere was kind of cold. Megan rubbed her both hands on the sides of her arms as she got chills. Though she definitely liked the weather. She wished their adventure day's weather to be exactly like this cause this adds the atmosphere with more spooky vibes.

Megan looked at her surroundings and the town drifted into deep slumber. Not a soul was awake. It amused Megan to think that maybe only she was awake like a night owl. She shook her head at this dumb thought and went to her room closing her balcony door.

Cause who knows besides these living creatures, night is something more appealing and deadly beautiful for the non-living souls?

A wolf or fox from somewhere suddenly howled tearing the unnatural silence apart of the night and echoed through the whole town.


"Water bottles, checked?"


"Emergency supplies, checked?"


"Camera and other electronic devices, checked?"

"Yes...everything, man.."

Tyler replied continuously one after another questions of Arina. Finally, the day had arrived. The 30th October.

"Again go through everything carefully. We need to be responsible for ourselves." Brian said as he folded the map of South Carolina, God knew from where he gathered. He wore a lose colourful half-sleeved shirt with shorts and a hat like cowboys with a binocular hanging around his neck, totally adventurous look.

"Yes everything including foods, cloths, medicines..all are checked and well-packed in the car. It's just the 4 of us yet to enter in it." Arina said.

"Okay guys I'm ready...let's head out!" Megan said as she came out of her house. Well, they were starting their journey off from Megan's house and the car well the jeep was Brian's.

The Night Ends With Us [GL] 《HALLOWEEN VAULT'23》Where stories live. Discover now