◈Unstoppable Like a Storm◈

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Yunho paced back and forth as he waited for Hongjoong's return. While Mingi was lying face down on Hongjoong's bed, completely unconscious, Yunho took comfort in the fact that he was still breathing.

After what felt like hours, Hongjoong returned with a petite young woman following a step behind him. Her jet-black braided hair fell loose down her back, her onyx skin glowing in the candlelight. She bowed her head slightly to Yunho as she walked over to observe Mingi, a brown leather bag in hand.

She sucked in a breath when she pulled back the jacket covering Mingi, seeing the extent of his wounds.

"This will take some time for my work to be effective," the young woman informed as she opened her bag, pulling out a bunch of vials, crystals and plant leaves and roots.

"However much it costs, Bembe, I will pay it," Hongjoong replied.

Mingi's eyes shot open as Bembe gently touched his back, and his body begin to recoil.

"Easy now," Bembe soothed, brushing Mingi's sweaty hair away from his forehead. "I'm here to help you."

Hongjoong walked over to kneel next to the bed, so that Mingi could see him more clearly.

"You're aboard my ship, Mingi."

Mingi gave a tiny nod. "I remember...Yunho bringing me...here."

"Good. You're safe now."

"No," Mingi protested. "Hargreave will find out. He'll find me."

Hongjoong grinned as he hovered his hand just above Mingi's shoulder, careful not to touch him, but wanting to show that he was there.

"Yunho and I will take care of that. I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"Right now, let Bembe work on healing you. You'll join us again when you're better."

Giving a nod to Bembe, Hongjoong stood up and walked out of his quarters, Yunho following after him. 

"Where to, Captain?" Yunho asked as they climbed down the cargo netting.

"Are you certain you're ready to help this way? You'll be more exposed then when you fought off those men."

"It's no longer just about me. Mingi deserves justice. Preferably the kind that's brutal."

Hongjoong nodded. "First, we shall dispose of Hargreave's men before he sends someone to come looking for them. Then we'll grab a drink at the tavern."

Yunho looked down at Hongjoong in momentary confusion. "Is a drink really important at this precise moment, Captain?"


When Hongjoong didn't explain himself further, Yunho decided to let it go. While he has only spent a couple weeks within Hongjoong's crew, Yunho has come to realize that nothing the captain does is accidental. He has a reason for everything, even if no one else sees it.

Now past midnight, the dreary streets were completely empty. The townspeople were either tucked away in bed, cozied up with a book by the fireplace, or drinking away their worries in the tavern. Ideal conditions for Hongjoong and Yunho to work in.

The building that Hargreave had whipped Mingi in appeared to be a long-abandoned warehouse positioned near an unused port. No other buildings, whether businesses or residential, were close enough to be an issue.

After lighting the gunpowder Yunho poured around the men, Hongjoong and Yunho watched from outside as the bodies succumbed to the flames. A half hour had passed before Hongjoong turned to walk away, confident the bodies would be unrecognizable. It wasn't until they were a couple blocks away that Hongjoong and Yunho heard people screaming about a fire.

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