𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝: 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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Adhara Potter, the enigmatic figure of the wizarding world, bore the weight of many titles, some of reverence and others of disdain. To some, she was the "Savior," the "Girl Who Lived," a beacon of hope in dark times. Yet, to others, she was an enemy, a troublemaker, an enigma, a curiosity, and most times, a target for their envy or resentment. Adhara's desire to remain ordinary in the midst of her extraordinary life was her daily struggle. Her long, wavy raven hair cascaded gracefully around her shoulders, framing her face like a curtain of night. Her eyes, a mesmerizing contradiction, held the gaze of anyone who dared to look into them—her right eye an enchanting shade of blue, while her left sparkled with the brilliance of green. Lightly dusted freckles adorned her nose and upper cheeks, adding a touch of innocence to her visage. But it was her lips, soft and luscious, that had been the subject of countless daydreams and hushed whispers. The iconic lightning bolt-shaped scar on her forehead served as a constant reminder of her tumultuous past and the expectations thrust upon her. Adhara had always seen herself as a "freak," a notion that had taken root during her grim years with the Dursleys, long before she learned the truth about her heritage.

On this particular day, she found herself reluctantly accompanying her friends Hermione and Muffy to the Hogwarts library during one of their study escapades. Her mind was elsewhere, trying to tune out the whispers and gazes that followed her every step. But then, as if drawn by an invisible force, she halted in her tracks, overhearing a conversation in the next aisle. Angelina and Katie, fellow members of her Quidditch team, were engrossed in their own discussion. Angelina, who happened to be dating Muffy's older brother, Fred Weasley, was at the center of the conversation.

"So, you think he's finally over his crush? Fred?" Katie whispered conspiratorially.

Angelina scoffed dismissively, her words dripping with condescension. "Crush? Please, Adhara Potter is nothing compared to me! She's a quiet little freak who is nothing but a nuisance."

Adhara stood there, frozen in shock and confusion. Did Fred Weasley have a crush on her? Why were Katie and Angelina being so cruel and mean-spirited? The word that stung most was the one that Angelina had thrown at her—"freak." In hindsight, Adhara should have realized that it was a trigger word for her because, before she knew it, she had turned and fled the library. She stormed back to Gryffindor Tower, dashed through the common room, climbed the stairs to her dormitory, and plopped down on her bed, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Anger and hurt surged through her, igniting a determination hidden beneath her reserved exterior. Angelina would soon learn that Adhara Potter was not to be underestimated, for the day she had been called a "freak" would be etched into Adhara's memory as the day she vowed to get even.

Fred Weasley awoke from another restless night, his heart still pounding from the vivid dreams that had once again featured Adhara Potter. She had been the subject of his secret affections since the moment he laid eyes on her on Platform 9¾, the day he and his twin, George, had helped her with her heavy trunk. But he had hidden his feelings well, burying them beneath a layer of laughter, pranks, and camaraderie. Adhara, it seemed, was blissfully unaware of the countless admirers who watched her from afar, too preoccupied with her mission to thwart Voldemort's return to notice the unspoken affection around her. Fred had made a silent pact with himself to confess his feelings when the world was no longer threatened by the dark wizard, or perhaps when the words slipped out uncontrollably. But now, Angelina Johnson had thrown a wrench into his plans. He didn't harbor strong feelings for Angelina, but when she had asked him out, he had reluctantly agreed, hoping it might deter others from recognizing his true sentiments for Adhara. It was a feeble attempt to shield his heart.

Muffy's controlling ways had kept Adhara distant from Fred and the others, but that began to change after he started dating Angelina. Though Muffy was still controlling, she allowed Adhara to be in the same room for more than a few fleeting minutes. As Fred quietly prepared for the day, he exchanged knowing glances with George. They shared a connection that allowed them to communicate without words—a twin thing, he supposed—and George could tell that something was amiss with his brother. Fred's secret weighed heavily on his heart, and it was taking a toll on his usual carefree demeanor. Together, they made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast, the anticipation of the day's events weighing on Fred's mind. Angelina and Katie joined them as usual, taking their seats across from the twins at the Gryffindor table. Fred did his best to act as if everything were normal, to mask the turmoil brewing within him, but his heart ached for the one he truly longed for—Adhara Potter.

Adhara had spent a restless night after overhearing Angelina's hurtful words. However, she had also awakened with newfound determination. There was a tiny spark of hope, one she couldn't ignore, that maybe, just maybe, Fred felt the same way about her. Silently, she went about her morning routine, concealing her excitement beneath a veneer of normalcy. She had a plan brewing in her mind, one that would test the waters and perhaps stoke the flames of jealousy within Angelina while giving her insight into Fred's true feelings. As Adhara made her way to the Great Hall, her heart raced with anticipation. She had decided to deviate from her usual routine and sit somewhere unexpected. Instead of settling with Muffy and Hermione in their customary spot at the Gryffindor table, she chose to sit right between Fred and George, feigning an air of obliviousness.

Fred, engrossed in a conversation with George and not expecting Adhara's sudden change of seating, looked up in surprise when she settled beside him. He blinked in disbelief, his heart skipping a beat as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Adhara turned to him with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she greeted him.

"Good morning, Fred, George. Mind if I join you today?"

George grinned broadly, always up for a bit of excitement. "Not at all, Adhara! The more, the merrier!"

Fred, though taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, managed a somewhat flustered response. "Uh, sure, Adhara. You're always welcome here."

Adhara nodded, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation. She had set her plan into motion, and now it was up to fate to reveal what lay hidden in Fred's heart. Adhara couldn't help but notice the scowl that twisted Angelina's usually composed face as she sat across from Fred. The sight made her heart race with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. She had a plan in mind, and every move she made was carefully calculated, though she feigned obliviousness to the brewing tension.

As the conversation at the table continued, Adhara's eyes locked with Fred's for a fleeting moment, and she gave him a subtle, mischievous smile. Then, with deliberate slowness, she reached for a ripe strawberry from her plate. Her fingers brushed lightly against the fruit, and she brought it to her lips, savoring the moment. She took a delicate bite, her lips wrapping around the succulent fruit, her eyes never leaving Fred's. Her actions were subtle but seductive, a bold move to test the waters and gauge his reaction. Adhara's heart pounded in her chest as she continued to pretend that she was entirely unaware of the effect she might be having on Fred and the increasingly irritated Angelina.

Fred Weasley couldn't believe his luck. Adhara Potter, the girl who had occupied his thoughts day and night, was sitting right next to him, smiling in a way that sent his heart into a frenzy. He tried to maintain a semblance of composure, but every glance from her seemed to unravel his resolve. As Adhara slowly reached for a strawberry and brought it to her lips, Fred's attention became fixated on her. His heart skipped a beat as he watched her take a delicate bite, her lips wrapping sensually around the fruit. He couldn't tear his gaze away, and a rush of heat coursed through his veins.

George, seemingly unaware of the subtle undercurrents at the table, continued to chat animatedly. "So, did you guys hear about the prank we're planning for Snape's class next week? It's going to be a real stunner!"

Fred, struggling to find his voice, mumbled a distracted response. "Yeah, George, sounds great."

Adhara, still pretending to be oblivious, kept her gaze locked with Fred's. Her eyes held a hint of mischief and allure that was impossible to ignore. "Fred, I've been meaning to ask you... Do you think you could help me with my Potions homework later?"

Fred blinked, momentarily taken aback by her request. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "O - Of course, Adhara. I'd be happy to help."

Angelina, who had been fuming silently, couldn't contain her frustration any longer. She interjected, her tone sharp, "Isn't that what Granger is for? Always eager to please, isn't she?"

Adhara simply shrugged, her focus still on Fred. "I just thought it would be nice to have a different perspective, that's all."

The tension at the table was palpable, and Fred couldn't help but feel the mounting pressure. He had a growing suspicion that Adhara's actions were intentional, that she was trying to convey something to him. But was he reading too much into it?

As the breakfast conversation continued, Fred's mind raced. He was torn between his feelings for Adhara, his unexpected involvement with Angelina, and the unspoken questions that hung heavy in the air. Today had taken an unexpected turn, and the path forward was uncertain, but one thing was clear—his heart was in turmoil, and Adhara Potter was at the center of it all.

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