Chapter Twenty-Five: The Ending

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         When it came down to it, it had just occurred to Anahera that she had never seen his bare body before. Various scars covered his skin. Each with a story, no doubt. She began to notice his roughness, and she had not found that quality attractive in a man until now. They made each other breathless in the dark as various sounds of their lust filled the room. Once all was said and done, Lleon cleaned her up before getting comfortable in bed with her, though it would take some time to find a comfortable position for the both of them.

"You had more control this time..." She whispered out in a more joking manner.

"Suppose I did." He responded. "I didn't...hurt you, did I?"

"Non. I like it when you become beastly."


"Oh?" She echoed, tilting her head.

"It's just that, for an Angel..."

"We may be Angels, but we have preferences." She told him, laughing softly. "Besides, I think you are making me addicted to it."

Lleon nodded, rubbing the base of her wings. He felt scars etched into her back. Though he wanted to ask, he refrained. Instead, he let his thoughts run wildly through his mind. They lay in silence for a moment. He was not quite sure if this was real or not. He only saw himself sleeping with her and then executing her at some point. Never had he imagined this. Had anyone told his childhood self that he would marry Anahera, he would have not believed it. Had anyone told him in adolescence, he would have been in denial. Now, however, with the growth he experienced during the last months, he was sure it was true.

"You make me feel like no other has..." She whispered out, bringing his head down by one of his horns and kissing him. She kept speaking though she was drifting off to sleep. "The...truth is, Lleon...I don't think I would have ever stopped thinking about you had I married another..."

This knowledge was gratifying to him. The thought of her not being satisfied by anyone but him. The truth was not one-sided. No one quite satisfied his soul the way she did. He thought no one would ever be enough for him, but she was. She always had been. He was going to respond but stopped short when he noticed she had her eyes closed.

"I love you, Anahera." He murmured into her hair when he was sure she was asleep. "By the wretched stars above, I love you."

          The next morning, Anahera was woken up early in the morning when Lleon moved her arm a bit aggressively off of him. She propped herself up, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm not used to waking up next to someone." He told her.

"I can tell." She responded, smiling gently. "Where are you off to?"

"Just to work, I suppose."

"Can we spend some time together after? We have yet to do such a thing. Even now."

Lleon thought about it before nodding. "Let's go bathe then."

When they went to the large room with the bath in the ground, they sat in the warm water. She sat near him, watching how relaxed he was. She wanted to bring up last night's events, but she felt the silence was fragile.

"Thank you."


"For not..." She trailed off before picking back up again. "I am not ready for...another."

"I can still feel your hurt. I don't blame you for not being ready. I don't know if..." He trailed off.

She moved closer to him before bringing her hand up to his face. He tilted his head into her touch, purring. She truly did not think he could be so gentle. Yet, it was only ever towards her. She has seen the way he treated others. The way he treated those he deemed invaluable. She was valued by him. He made sure she knew that.

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