Chapter 2:before the war final part

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Still wildwings pov->

After hugging my little sister for a little bit the three of us went inside too get ready for bed, i was already set and sat down on the bed looking at a photo of mom and dad,

Winter said,

"Wild, *looks at his sister*, how come your not mad at me?"

Wild said,

"*sighs*, come here sis, *winter sits with wild*, look I know that I was upset and worried about you but, i know that being mad at you, things would be different."

Winter said,

"*looks at the photo*I miss mom and dad and I don't remember what they look like anymore."

I hugged her real tight meaning that i'm right here for her, it's been hard for us since mom and dad died especially for winter because she was just two days old when they died.

Winter said,

"*looks at wild*, can i sleep here tonight wild?" 

I nodded yes because i know that she feels scared, when the both of us got into bed i held my sister real tight reassuring her that she would be ok,

Wild said,

"*looks at winter*, look winter, i know that things our hard right now because of the war coming soon but look at me, *winter looks at her brother*, no matter what that if i have too send you away too keep you safe i'll always find you no matter what same for nosedive, no matter what the both of us will find you and keep you safe, okay sis?"

As winter nodded yes and hugged me real tight, never letting me go no matter what, I am always gonna be worried with my little sister no matter what it takes!

The next day, 1 day left before the war

End POV->

Winters POV->

Today was a new day, i went downstairs too have something too eat before leaving for practice today,

Wild said,

"Morning sis."

Winter said,

"Morning bro, don't forget I have practice today, so I won't be home from 12:00-3:30 p.m."

My brother nodded his head yes letting me know that he knows where i'm going for practice today,

Wild said,

"Who's training with you today sis?"

Winter said,

"Mallory, i need too work on my aiming in firearms and weapons as well i'm slacking in those categories."

Dive said,

"Just be careful sis, the war is coming soon and we need too be prepared as soon as possible okay?"

I nodded yes and started getting ready too leave for practice. Wild offered too give me a lift too Mallory's place and I agreed, and we left for Mallory's house by car. We pulled up by Mallory's house and hugged her when she came out too see us,

Mallory said,

"Hey winter, hi wild, *looks at winter* ready for practice winter."

I nodded yes and wild told me that he'll pick me up after practice, time went by and 3:30 p.m. came by and i was waiting for wild too come and get me and than instead of wild coming too get me it was nosedive was at the door instead?!?!?

Winter said,

"Dive? What are you doing here?"

Dive said,

"Wild sent me too get you sis, and we need too prepare for the outcome sis!"

 Looking confused at her brother dive,

Winter said,

"Huh???, what do you mean dive?"

Dive said,

"I'm sorry sis, but the war has begun."

End POV->

Third POV->

With that answer coming from her older brother she was scared for life and Mallory was worried about this now.


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