Chapter One

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Y/n and Lynette had entered Arlecchino's office, the twins had bowed to their "Father," the slightly older twin had also taken his hat off to greet her.

"Hello Father, how may we be of help you this evening?" Y/n asked as both of the twins rose.

"Good evening, Y/n and Lynette, I'm glad that you were able to stop by my office this evening. I would like to inform you that I have chosen you, my beloved children, to infultrate the Jujutsu Society.

Childe will also be taking you two there since he has a connection to the school. You will be given a file of what your mission is. Just remember, when you're done reading it, burn it." Arlecchino spoke as she handed the file over her heir.

"As you wish, Father."

"You two will be leaving tomorrow morning with Childe, so pack your things. You are now dismissed." The white-haired woman said as the two teenagers left right after.

They went to their shared room and started to read through the file together.

"This is a long mission."

"We'll we need to gain the trust of jujutsu society."

"But 4 years? Come on."

"Our mission might get extended depending on how we act." The twins spoke.

Y/n burnt the file when they were finished reading, and then both of them started packing.


It had already become the next day, and the twins were saying goodbye to all of their siblings.

"I know how hard it is to say goodbye to your family, but we don't want to be late. You want to make a good first impression, don't you?"

"He's right. You two should go now. I expect weekly reports from you guys."

"Of course, Father."

"Come on, children, let's leave Y/n and Lynette." Arlecchino spoke ash she ushered the rest of her children back into the house.

"Okay! We are going to take photos before we leave!"

"As you wish Master Childe." Both of them spoke at the same time.

"Y/n tip your hat slightly!" The ginger said happily. Arlecchino happened to walk past a window and saw her children still at the front she poked her head out the window.

"Tartaglia, I thought you were taking my children to their mission?"

"I was just taking photos of them for memories."

"Just take them to Jujutsu Tech already."

"Okay, okay." Childe said as he motioned for the twins to follow him, which they did.

The three of them got into the car, and Childe decided to blast his music through the car to the point that the car was vibrating. The twins glanced at each other and tried not to make it obvious that they were having a terrible time.

When the four of them (Childe, Y/n, Lynette and a random fatui agent that was driving) got to the school, the agent got out of the car and walked to the passenger door to open it for the Harbinger while Lynette and Y/n let themselves out.

Childe guided the two new students to their classroom, as they were about to enter, he stopped them.

"You should wait till your teacher tells you to go in." The ginger spoke as he pulled out his phone.

After a few seconds, Childe put his phone back into his pocket. Not too long after, a man spoke on the other side of the door.

"Well, you four are getting two new classmates!"

"Do they happen to be cursed as well?"

"You'll have to wait and find out! You two may enter now!" The male exclaimed on the other side of the door.

Y/n and Lynette looked at each other and nodded. Lynette opened the door to the classroom. Childe walks into the room with the twins trailing behind.

"Y/n, Lynette! Look, it's the chair I used when I attended!" The ginger yelled as he walked towards the seat.

"Y/n, you should smell it to see if it still smells like me."

"As you wish, Master Childe." Y/n replied in a monotone voice.

Without any hesitation, the male bent down imediantly and took a big wiff of the chair. Childe didn't even realise that Y/n did what he was told until it was too late.

Everyone else in the classroom looked at the male weirdly as his sister just sighed.

"You didn't actually have to sniff the chair, I was joking."

"I didn't mind Master Childe. It did smell like you." Y/n said smiling as he stood up.

All of the rest, his new classmates looked at him even weirder than before.

"Wow, you didn't even greet your upper classman." The white-haired male said while slightly pouting.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just reminiscing about my high school days." The ginger spoke as he turned to his senior.

"Enough with this now. You two introduce yourselves."

"I'm Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can all get along."

"I'm Lynette. It's lovely to meet all of you. I hope we have no problem with each other." The twins spoke one after each other.

"This is Yuta, Maki, Inumaki, and Panda. Also, I am Satoru Gojo, your teacher." The man now known as Gojo said.

"I'll get going now. I'll let your father know that you got here safely." Childe said as he left the room.

"So, are either of you cursed?"

"No, why would you ask that?"

"It's just that someone here is already cursed." The girl now known as Maki said as she looked over at Yuta.

The black haired male looked away as a bead of sweat rolled down his face. 

"Oh okay, anyways, what are everyone's techniques?"

"Alright, let's go to the training grounds!" Gojo spoke with enthusiasm as everyone else in the room deadpans.

Everyone had followed the white-haired teacher out of the classroom and onto the field. Maki, Inumaki, Panda, and Yuta all sit down on the ground.

"So the both of you are going to spar against each other using your cursed technique so I can grasp what your capabilities are." Gojo spoke as the twins nodded.


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