𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟎𝟏 ┊"𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝"

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Chapter one
"Hey little kid"

Ah...the great pirate era, where the people would go on sea to find the only One Piece in Grand line -multi pirates in big, medium and small size pirate ships.

Gol D. Roger... The sole owner of the treasure -more like the One Piece. After his execution, all the pirates or 'want-to-be' pirates immediately begun to search for the lost One Piece... The one who have the One Piece will declared as the 'King of the Pirate' sounds like a dream right? Nah... This...this is reality for all greater or bad pirates out.
In a village of Kala Island, a small girl walk towards to the vegetable garden that is in the forest, she sees few older people also there, ready the vegetables and take them out if they are ripped.

"Hello everybody!" Her chirpy voice caught the people attention as they greet her back, causing a small smile to form on her face. She immediately went to the potato patch and pluck the ripped potatoes and put them in her basket. She and her mother are planning a big feast for the villagers in town central -that what people sees in her, the kind and caring girl that is part of a pirate crew of Kala Island.

"My, my...you working way to much dearie" A grandma approach the little girl as she spoke, the grandma is the Mayor's mother so people respect her. The little girl smile as she stood up from her kneeling position before bowing her head down slightly to show respect to the elder.

"No need to bow, dearie"

"Sorry grandma but I must, my momma always told me..." She tried her best to mimic her mother's voice.

"Respect your elders~" She have a goofy smile as she say that. The grandma smile at the little girl as she went back plucking the ripped vegetables.

"And besides, we gonna have a feast tonight! For all the villagers, so that's why-" A sudden bell ringing somewhere in the town, causing all the people including the little girl's attention.

"-what's going on..." She mutter as she grapped the grandma's wrist gently as they walk back to the town central. She can see the people gather around, confused on what's going on.

She sees her mother in the mist so she excuse herself from grandma before going to her mother, holding the basket close to her.

"Momma" The mother immediately took her daughter's hand and squeeze it in a comforted grip. The girl was confused until she hear a nearby whistle and before they know it, the town central explode by a huge canon ball.

Everything was a disaster, the village was ruined. The little girl cough as she try to find her mother and also the grandmother.

"M-momma? Grandmomma?" Her voice sound hoarse and cracked as she search through the ground and fire smoke of her village. She tripped over a log, causing her to let out a muffled pain groan before lifting up her head -her eyes widened as she sees her pirate crew...getting murdered so merciless in front of her innocent eyes.

Her mouth agape at the sight, blood spill everywhere as her lower lips tremble. This can't be happening! She immediately got up but thanks to the sound of the dirt, it cause attention from the first mate.

"Oi! That's the little girl that this captain mentioned!" He exclaimed as he stomp on the dead captain's head, causing more blood to spew out -the first mate look at the crew and nod his head at the direction of the running kid.
"What is happening!? Where's momma?!" She can't believe what is happening, her home town getting destroyed and this nice and peaceful Kala Island is getting ruined by those pirates -she wipe her face away due to the tears falling down and also blurring her vision.

"Where is she!?"

"Hey! Footprints!" She immediately increase her speed as she hear the men behind her, getting a bit louder and louder -let out a shriek of fear as one crew mate grapped her small wrist harshly, pull her back causing her to fall down on her back.

She's afraid on what's going to happen to her, she let out small noise of fear as she sees the people surround her -feeling the malicious and menace from this people.

"P-Please don't hurt me...please..." She begged as more small tears to fall down from her face. The captain chuckled darkly as he get in her vision, smirk creepily at her, showing his white canine teeth.

"Don't worry sweetie, we won't hurt you...but we're...gonna use you"

Her eyes widened in shock but fear as she feel them pinning her down, she let out few loud screams before the captain cupped her mouth shut.

"Not...another scream you sniveling runt" Tears stream down her face like a waterfall-

"Oi, whatcha think you doing with the girl?" Everyone stopped as the captain turn his head back to see a person leaning against the tree, short red hair, three scars on his left eye and also wearing a tanky but awesome straw hat.

"Eh? And who the hell are you?"

"That's the information you don't need to know-" The red haired pirate look at the little girl, pinned down on the ground and that suddenly set something in him.

"-but, if you let the girl go the we can settle this like man" The captain laugh heartedly before pulling out his gun -immediately got kick out of his hand by one of the red haired man crew.

"I don't think so buddy..." The man sigh as more pirate crew came out causing the captain to snarl and let go of the girl's mouth, finally got the fresh air she deserve cause his hand STINKS-

"Hey little kid" She look up and realize that the people that surrounded her, is gone? Eh? That fast? He can see her furrowed her small brows at him, making him let out a small laugh before helping her stand up -her eyes widened when she sees the other pirates on the ground, either dead or unconscious.

"Don't worry kid, they're knock out cold" She thinned a smile before hearing a distant scream and she know that scream. Her eyes widened.

"Mother..." She immediately rush to the voice, ignoring the calls from the red haired pirate, he started to think before following the little girl.

She arrived at her home and-

(Pause, before we go further, please enjoy this horrific scene)

-she sees her mother's body dismembered, her limps are everywhere which cause her to widen her eyes in horror, let out a terrified scream before falling on her behind, scramble away from her dead mother, seeing the lifeless eyes of her mom is enough to make more years to stream down her face like a intense waterfall -she feel someone pull her away from the gruesome sight.

"Take the kid back to our ship..." All she hear is distorted voices, her breathing got more heavier -but what about grandma? The Mayor's grandma?

All her thoughts cause her to pass out.


Heya! This is my first chapter! Ik is short but bish? Daddy shanks?? AHHHH-
I wish I can write more but unfortunately, I need my daily coma, and add caffeine to it as well🙂
But don't worry, I think the next chapter
But bfr bish, daddy shanks just save her ass? Like...he's every where and I do mean EVERYWHERE!
Have a good night? Good day? Good evening?

-UrZoroobsessedfan is out!ฅ

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