{Jennie} - when the girls fight (requested)

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You dragged your feet through the door of the dorm that you and the girls all share.

It was quiet and you could feel the tension in the air as everyone else followed behind you.

You grabbed some water from the fridge before silently sitting at the table and Jennie, who also didn't want to be part of the argument she knew was coming, sat down in a chair beside you.

The girls all gazed at each other before Lisa broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Move." She grumbled to Rosè, who was standing nearby and in her way.

"That's rude, don't you think?" Rosie mumbled.

Lisa was ready to head up to her room, only to turn back and face Rosè.

"No," Lisa said as she folded her arms over her chest. "I think you had it coming considering you've been on my nerves all day."

"You're being a little rude yourself, Lisa," Jisoo spoke.

"Thank you!" Rosie said with a sigh.

"Why are you thanking me? I'm not happy with either of you and I'm not taking anyone's sides." Jisoo replied.

"You know what? Why don't we all just go up to bed? It's been an exhausting day. Everyone's cranky and tired. Tomorrow will be a better day." Jennie said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Only if they stop screwing everything up, it will!" Rosie spoke.

"So you were just so perfect today, huh? We're the ones that screwed everything up. You're so innocent and perfect." Lisa mumbled.

"At least I didn't continuously mess up on my steps and lines. We have to film in a couple of days. We have to start filming the new music video and dance practice and you still keep messing up!" Jisoo harshly spoke to Lisa.

"I had an off day, okay!?" She grumpily spoke back to Jisoo.

"Can you all stop arguing?" You groaned. "Just go upstairs and talk in the morning about it."

"No! I want to talk right now since everything seems to be my fault!" Lisa said.

"No one's saying that, Lisa." Jennie sighed. "Just everyone stop. Calm down, take a deep breath. You're all moody from an awful day. Just go up to bed and rest."

"You know what? Since we're on the topic, you messed up too!" Lisa spoke to Jisoo. "It wasn't just me!"

You rolled your eyes and Jennie couldn't help but do the same.

They just wouldn't listen.

Soon enough, they raised their voices and began to talk over each other.

They all wanted their voices heard and their points understood.

And it led them to get even more upset.

To the point where they were almost screaming at each other.

You couldn't take it.

You couldn't take the thought of your three closest friends going at it nonstop and you especially couldn't take the noise.

You ran away, taking off to go sit in a corner, where you could get away from it and try and calm down.

"Will you all just shut up!?" Jennie shouted. "Just stop!"

"You know what? I'm done, I don't need this!" Lisa yelled as she stormed up to her room, slamming the door loudly.

"Me neither!" Jisoo yelled.

"I'm locking my door and turning up my music. No one bother me! I don't want to talk to any of you!" Rosé shouted as she slammed her bedroom door too.

Jennie shook her head as she sighed heavily.

"Well, at least we have our heads on our shoulders and are rational enough to realize it was just a bad day. No need to take it out on each other, right?" Jennie asked you.

But that's when she realized that you weren't there.

"Y/N?" She spoke and got up as she looked around for you. "Y/N, where are you?"

She looked under the table and all around for you before finally breathing out a sigh of relief as soon as she found you.

You were in the corner covering your ears and trying to block everything out, too overwhelmed by it all.

"Oh, hey," Jennie softly spoke as she sat on the floor beside you. "Come here, it's okay."

You uncovered your ears as she pulled you close.

"It's alright. Everything will be alright."

"What if it isn't, Jennie?" You mumbled. "What if this is it? What if they never forgive each other?"

"That will never happen. We all love each other too much to stay mad for long. I can guarantee in an hour or two, they'll all be out of their rooms hugging and telling each other how much they love each other. As if none of this ever happened."

You know she's right.

You know how close all of you are and how much you all love and care for each other.

But you were still scared.

"Everything's going to be okay. I promise you. I know us all so well. We can't stay mad at each other."

"I know." You said as you looked at her.

"You're okay. The loud noises and fighting are all over. Now they just have to stop being so stubborn and make up. I promise it won't be long."

"I hope you're right." You said.

"Aren't I always?" She joked.

"Can you keep holding me, Jennie? Please? Don't let go." You whispered.

"Of course. I've got you." She said as she held you a little tighter. "We'll just hug and talk to each other until they make up."

"Even if it's hours from now?" You asked as you stared into her starry brown eyes.

"Yeah. I'm happy right here with you." She smiled. "Besides, I could use some comfort too after all that."

You smiled a little and hugged her tighter.

"I've got you too." You said and Jennie's lips brushed against your head softly, both of you just holding onto each other for as long as needed.

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