idk what to title this (I didn't proofread this sorry lol)

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                           Stretchy had been gone for a while now. Stripy was getting worried. He said he was just going to the Wasteland to pick some stuff up, but that was ages ago. It was almost time for the night to be switched on. Where could he be?

                         Sighing with relief, Stripy glanced over to see Stretchy making his way back to the junkyard. It was then that Stripy noticed how terrible Stretchy looked right now. He was covered head to toe (or tracks in his case) with scrapes and dents, and he looked absolutely miserable.

                        Stripy rushed over to his beloved husband and gently cupped the side of his face. "Stretchy! What happened?"

                        "It's a long story," Stretchy replied. He sounded utterly exhausted.

                        Stripy took him back to his house so he could get him cleaned up. He gently began to wipe Stretchy's face with a cloth, the latter of the pair wincing as the injuries were still fresh. Stripy once again gently cupped the side of Stretchy's face and gave him a kiss.

                         "How did this happen?" Stripy asked as he began to clean up another scrape.

                         Stretchy hesitated for a minute and then sighed before explaining. "Well, I was in the Wasteland looking for some extra materials to make something for you,"

                         Stripy nodded. "Go on,"

                        "I finally found the last thing I needed to finish it, but I somehow didn't notice it was stuck under something," Stretchy hesitated again. "It's really embarrassing how it happened,"

                      "It's okay, dear," Stripy assured him.

                       "I didn't see what fell on me," Stretchy explained "all I know is that it was heavy,"

                      "Oh, dear!" Stripy exclaimed.

                      "I was stuck under there almost all day, and no one was around to help," Stretchy continued "I tried to call for help, but no one heard me,"

                      "I ended up having to free myself on my own," Stretchy sighed "I somehow managed to get it off, but only after hours of struggling and having my face hit repeatedly. Now I'm tired and everything hurts,"

                       Stripy frowned. "Stretchy, what were you thinking? You could have been hurt!"

                       "I already am hurt," Stretchy commented.

                       "I mean hurt worse than you are now," Stripy took a break from cleaning and took Stretchy's hands in his own. "I was worried sick about you..."

                       "I'm sorry, Stripy," Stretchy replied "I'll try to be more careful next time,"

                       "You promise?"

                       Stretchy nodded. "I promise,"

                       The two of them shared a quick kiss before Stripy got back to cleaning. Stripy honestly didn't mind taking care of Stretchy, and Stretchy didn't seem to mind it either. Even if Stretchy never admitted it, Stripy knew this was exactly what he needed.

                      The next day, Stripy finally found out what it was Stretchy was making for him. It was a new flowerpot. Stretchy even decided to fill it with the most beautiful flowers Stripy had ever seen. As Stripy planted the new flowers in his garden, he couldn't stop thinking about how much he loved Stretchy. He decided that later, he would give Stretchy so many kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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various (short???) Stripy x Stretchy thingsWhere stories live. Discover now