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There is a prophecy that circles the winds of Teyvat

One that tells of death and sorrow

The tale of Teyvats creation is long lost, only few know of its existence

The memories of Teyvat held in the tree of dendro, never to be accessed to those of untrust

The creator was born of star in dusk, a light in the never ending darkness of dust

The creator grew in power, making a world full of light and dark

The creator, a dragon of both dawn and dusk

The creator made mountains and seas of both water and sand

And soon, Teyvat was created

The god added creatures of pure elements

These seven creatures were thus born to these new lands

The seven sovereigns

The dragon of anemo

The dragon of geo

The dragon of electro

The dragon of dendro

The dragon of hydro

The dragon of pyro

And the dragon of pyro

These dragons were given a task, to take care of each land of which the creator had gifted

Each nation was catered to the elements of each dragon

One day, something arrived to the lands of teyvat

A deity, a god, something powerful

The creator was skeptical

But the thing proclaimed itself as peaceful

The creator named this thing Celestia

Together they took care of Teyvat

Celestia introduced a new creature, humans

The creator was ecstatic and intrigued by these creatures

The way they could learn and build and create and


A balance

But Celestia grew wary

The humans grew stronger, they grew interested in what had lied above the stars

The creator saw this as a way to introduce themselves, while Celestia grew strained

Worried that the things it introduced would destroy the two gods

Celestia thought the dragons of each elements were not doing their part

The deity pushing the creator and the dragons to purge the humans who learn too much

Celestia kept pushing for more control of the humans, and soon the creatures of Teyvat

The creator refused, they soon fought for control of Teyvat

In the end, the creator remained, and Celestia had surrendered

Powerless and weak, Celestia took the chance to

flee Teyvat

But all things must come to an end

The creator grew old, like a star in the sky, they were sealed by the seven dragons, in hope of letting their creator rest and strengthen once more

The dragons took care of Teyvat, civilizations grew and fell, and the dragons watched over and provided guidance

But something they did not expect, was Celestia's return

The dragons themselves were weakening, their age taking much toll.

Celestia gave the dragons three choices

To flee

To submit

Or to die trying

The hydro, pyro, anemo and cryo dragons fought the deity, but they soon perished

The and dendro and cryo dragons submitted

And the electro dragon fled

The dragon of anemo yelled to the winds of Teyvat, a prophecy, the last hope

"For us dragons have left and perished, we have left words we wish to cherish"

"The creator is not gone, just at rest, and us dragons wish for your best"

"To the demons that rule the new lands, Barbatos, heed these words

For you are the only one we can trust, for freedom and wind you also stand for"

"Hide the creator, protect and keep their trace, but a seed in the wind"

"Celestia is no god, but a tyrant at heart, the demons sent down by it to watch these nations, you being one"

"The creator will grow, and become reborn, guide them, for they too will become their true selves"

"Keep them safe"

The winds have been uneasy these past months, leaves falling from the tree of Vanessa.

Sitting on a branch of the giant tree, the windborne bard plays a tune of sorrow and suspense.

"My efforts won't go to waste dear dragon, for things have been made in such haste.." he breaths out.

"Ill make sure our creator is safe..." he stands on the branch, looking to the skies.

A star, brighter than all the others that fall, passes over and behind dragonspine.

"It seems that time has come," he smiles.

A pleasant song plays from the lyre the bard strums, dangerous times are ahead..

But all will be worth it in the end..

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