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Everything always went wrong for Harry Potter.

He had politely owled Malfoy three times like he said he would. So far, no reply...Does owling him three times make him seem desperate? He had no idea. It felt weird to the young man how Draco Malfoy had not found the time to owl him back. It was safe to say that he was now getting quite worried.

What can you say to someone who doesn't want to listen?

Harry misses Aria and Axel. It had been two days since he felt guilty of hiding who their real Father was, so, he allowed them to have a sleepover with Teddy. But, that still felt wrong to Harry, he still felt like he was shipping them off. He's not a bad Dad. He's not.

Speaking of children, he hadn't even seen Padfoot and Mooney since the party. Where was everyone? Luna was off girl hunting, he doesn't trust most of the Weasley's anymore, Malfoy's not answering and his Uncles were off somewhere.

Harry slowly rised from his bed where he'd been all day. He knew that he had to stop moping. To be honest he'd been sad because Malfoy hadn't answered one of his owls. Perhaps he's just busy. It had taken Harry a total of thirteen different bits of paper for him to actually send one of them. He didn't want to sound too pushy.

A chime sounded throughout his flat, indicating that someone was attempting to give Harry a floo call. He sat up from where he was laying on the end of the couch groggily and ran a hand through his hair before lazily standing up and waving a hand over the fireplace in order to open up the network. Andromeda's face appeared shortly after with a small smile.

"Harry when you come to collect the twins later on, will you please take Teddy with you for a while? I've been feeling out of it for the past couple of days."

"Of course. You know I don't mind. I love that little monster. Do you want me to come through and make them all some lunch?"

"Remus and Sirius are actually here right now but thank you for the offer sweety...although they both can't cook if their lives depended on it." She spoke softly before letting out a small cough. "I'll be fine. I just need to rest."

"I can always take Teddy for a few days. He gets on so well with the twins and I'm sure they will love it." He raised a hand to rest on his cheek and gave her a gentle smile of reassurance.

"I promise that I just need to rest, Harry. I don't need you to play saviour today. Just take care of Teddy." Andromeda yawned before removing herself from the flames. The ex-Gryffindor watched the green flames flicker out and looked down at his wristwatch to check the time.

He still had an hour or so before he had to pick them up, but it had been awhile since Andromeda allowed the little guy to stay round the night so he made a last minute decision to collect his children and his Gordon up early.

Harry got himself dressed in a plain white shirt with a pair of black denim jeans and quickly threw on a black Muggle coat before rushing out of his flat and running to his nearby apparation point in which was down an alley way covered by some bushes.

He finally grasped a clear enough image of Grimauled place after feeling the familiar tug letting him know that he landed safely. Once his feet planted firmly onto the ground, Harry took a few seconds to steady himself, no matter how many times he did it, it always seemed to catch him off guard. Maybe that's why he choose not to be an Auror.

As fast as his feet could carry him, the brave Gryffindor walked as calmly as he could to the front door but before he could knock, he heard a faint sniffle coming from beside him. Looking down, his breath almost immediately got caught at the back of his throat by a child no older than three years old with a full head of blonde hair. The child looked up and gave Harry a huge, watery lsmile with his sparkling grey eyes. It startled him.

"Hello." Harry spoke softly to the boy. He could tell that the child had been crying for awhile as he watched him wave shyly after rubbing his reddly raw eyes. "What's your name, buddy?"

"S-Scorp'us..." The child, Scorpius, said as he wiped his runny nose with the cuff if his sleeve in which, Harry had to admit, it made him gag slightly. "W-what's y-your's sir?"  Another thing that Harry could admit was that Scorpius definitely had manners. He inwardly applauded the young boy's parents.

"Hello 'Arry."

"Hello to you to Scorpius. Can you tell me how old you are?"

"Me and D-Daddy just c-cel'brated my birth'ay last w-week...I am two yea's old now." Scorpius explained with enthusiasm whilst Ahrry smiled at him.

"Wow! Your such a big boy!"

"Really!? That's what Daddy says all the time so it mus' be true!" Scorpius said before wiping away some stray tears with the back of one of his hands.

"Well...Your Daddy seems like a smart guy. Now...Can you tell me where your Daddy is? Or why you were crying?" Harry asked politely, slightly tilting his head to the side. Why does this child look so familiar yet so different?

"I was 'posed to wait out here for Daddy be'ause he and mummy had a big fight. There was lots of yelling. Daddy told me to pack my I did that... He's been gone for a long time." The child's bottom lip began to tremble. Harry hated seeing people cry so, he did the first thing that he could think of. He stood up, lifting Scorpius off of the ground, placing him on his hip easily.

"Draco, you must understand that we don't have enough space as it is. With Sirius and Remus living here, there is only one small bedroom left but it's currently been filled with all of T-tonk's belongings..."Andromeda informed him in a soft voice.

"I do understand Andy....Me and Astoria had a huge fight. I caught her cheating on me with some guy in our bed. I told her that she was not allowed to see Scorp for awhile. She didn't like that. I got his things packed before she could get to him and we apparated. I told Scorpius to wait outside whilst I talk to you." Draco Malfoy does not look great. He has dark circles under his eyes due to lack of sleep and the constant arguing between him and Astoria, his hair was looking very much like a mop because of the fact that he hadn't had any time to style it before he and his son left the Manor and he was currently wearing lots of odd clothing that he normally doesn't wear.

"Draco...if I could help you, I would. You know I would. But with T-tonk's death...I've been feeling very unwell lately so Teddy is going to stay with Harry for a few days because he has a lot of spare spacem Why don't you ask him?"

Draco snorts. "Absolutely not! I wouldn't wanna burden him...he already has two of his own children and with Teddy he would have three to look after. I wouldn't wanna ask him to look after another. It wouldn't be fair to him. I have Scorpius remember. He won't like that. If it was only me....I might of confronted him about it." He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Just think about it, my dear...You never know. He might just end up surprising you. Harry's not that bad. He's gone through a lot. Especially after what happened...Well....Never mind about that now. Ask him darling. I know that he'll say yes!" Draco saw his aunt smile out of the corner of his eyes and tightly wrapped one of his hands around his forearm guiltily. "The dark mark doesn't define you. You do..."

Draco rolled his eyes once more but this time a small grin overtook his face and his eyes shown with a renewed purpose. He grabbed his red rucksack from the couch and left, quietly shutting the front door behind him.

He was surprised to say the least when he saw Scorpius being held, he was pretty shy around most people. What was even more surprising was the mess of dark hair and glasses that held onto his son tightly. Draco had not seen a glance of the golden boy for a few days. Nit since he started investigating....Why would Potter lie? He had to admit this though. Harry Potter was looking as fit as always. A white shirt clung to his figure like a second skin with a pair of loose black jeans and a clean pair of black trainers. Draco couldn't even speak as he watched his son giggle at something Potter had whispered to him, before the Slytherin walked up behind them.

"So little man... Where's your Daddy? Can you tell me?" Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'm right here, Potter." He said crossing his and for the first time in days, they both made eye contact.

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