A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

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Rina Crane wasn't alive during the Clone Wars but even so, it had been a large part of her life. Constant stories of the war were told to her during her upbringing. Her parents were large supporters of the Jedi and the Republic. But of course, they had to hide that from everyone they came into contact with. Anyone finding out how close they were to everything that came before the Empire would end with a blaster shot to the heart. On either side.

The Cranes worked hard to ensure that their only daughter would be on the right side of history once she was older. They would not raise her to be a part of the problem. And Rina became exactly what they envisioned. A strong young lady who understood right from wrong. Unlike most of the galaxy.

But what they didn't anticipate with their daughter is that instead of simply not being a part of the problem, she'd be a part of the solution.

The family lived on the planet Vallt. A cold place with half of the planet being covered in glacial ice. After the Empire rose, the Cranes ran far, hoping to find a planet where they'd never be discovered. Vallt stayed as a good home for many years, even some into Rina's childhood.

Despite it being in line with the Separatists, it did the job of hiding them well. And it stayed that way well into the Empire's reign. Eventually, the fist of the Empire became harder to hide from and their home was invaded, leaving their lives in the hands of a great power.

For their ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is...


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