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The group continued to keep moving through the roofs, hoping that nobody noticed them and even though they seemed sure about keeping on with the plan, until Claggor doubts came back up...

Claggor: (concerned) What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here?

Vi: (to Claggor) Look around you, do you think anyone topside is going hungry?

She keeps talking as they keep moving carefully through the cornices.

Vi: Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age.

Axel: Can confirm.

The group continued on to their destination, until they reached the end of the ledge, the only thing they have to do now is climb down the ledge and they will reach their destiny, but after seeing her group's niggling, she stops to confront them.

Vi: (to the group) I'm going. Are you with me or not?

Even with his disagreement, Claggor would never let down his Friends, the five were raised together, they were basically family at that point, so after a sigh, he accepted to go with them.

Claggor: Vander's gonna kill us.

Axel: Only if you screw up.

Vi: So don't screw up.

Axel climbed down first, hanging from the edge of the scaffolding, and registered the balcony to see if anyone was around.

Axel: All clear.

He signals the others to come on down. One by one the group made their way down to the balcony, then they discovered the door locked after Mylo tried to open it.

Mylo: Who locks their balcony?

He takes out a lockpick and starts forcing the lock.

Axel: (sarcastically gasps) Oh on, how dare they make our job more difficult than it has to be.

Mylo looks at Axel with a 'really' look on his face. Axle leans on the door frame next to him. Claggor was focused on the activity down on the streets.

Claggor: There's tons of enforcers down there.

Vi: Means we're in the right place.

She turns her attention to Milo, who seems to be struggling with the lock.

Vi: (impaition) You gonna get that door open any time soon?

Mylo: Working on it, seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, I suggest--

He gets cut off by the sound of glass breaking as Axle breaks the window with his elbow and unlocks the door from the inside, then turns to smugly smirk at Mylo.

Axel: Oh, would you look at that? I found a key.

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Bloodhound Of Zaun - Arcane x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now