CoWorker Bonding and Confessions???

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Scene opens up with the IMP crew and Ms Mayberry sitting in the meeting room. Trying to figure out what to do for the weekend.

Millie : what do yall wanna do this weekend.

Y/n I mean if yall want to we can get shitfaced at my place and just talk .

Blitzo chimes in as usual
Blitzo: That sounds lame as fuck Y/n nobody would go for that you talentless troll.
(Y/n stands up towering over blitzo with a glare )


Moxxie speaks up responding to y/ns question .

Moxxie: That's sounds like fun y/n we should do that .

(Ms. Mayberry smirks taking this chance to get up and sit in y/ns lap .)

That sounds fun sweetie we should do that after work today.

Loona and Millie shoot her glares .

Loona : Get off him Mayberry he isn't your man
Millie : Yeah what she said but yeah we should do that .

Blitzo being the asshole that he is tries to invite himself since he's being ignored.

Blitzo : Well I think ill join you guys then after work

(Y/n looks at blitzo cutting him off )

Y/n: You aren't coming Blitzo. It's only us and if I catch you I'll Fucking neko neko kneecap your ass . ( showing his blessed pistol on his hip holster). AM I CLEAR.

(Blitzo slightly scared and fearful) yes I understand.

Unbeknownst to Y/n All 3 women meet up together before discussing gthere plan to tell you how they feel.

Millie: So we are telling him right.

Mayberry : of course we are . Right Loona .
Loona: Yes absolutely I can't hold it in any longer . We have to tell him.

Timeskip :

Y/n is seen setting alcohol in the fridge . And putting snacks on the table along with some other substances .

Y/n hears the door bell ring . And goes to answer it .

Y/n: Coming ( He opens the door tonhis apartment letting in millie , loona , moxxie and Ms. Mayberry. Everyone meets in the living room y/n millie and loona are on the couch and Mayberry and Moxxie are in chairs . They all Crack open a beer (except for moxxie who is drinking sparkling juice) and start to conversate about small things like life and how the boss is an asshole.
Till Loona notices the drugs on the table ( weed and coke)
LOONA: DUDE you have weed and Coke.

Y/n : yeah did you want some if your uncomfortable I can go put it back in my safe.
Loona responds ( Are you kidding of course I want to hit it( lights a blunt)
Now who's next I say we get super drunk and high together y/n [ Loona flirtatiously sits on y/ns lap ] This in tern makes Millie and Mayberry jealous and they take a hit to .
Moxxie just sits there like o_o casually sipping on his juice .

Moxxie asks Y/n ( So what brought you down here in the first place you don't seem like a bad person. All the girls look at you curiously .

(Y/n responds) I was a good person but make no mistake I've done alot of bad things . I was very protective of my family I was the the youngest of 6 I have 5 older sisters.
One day when I came home from school my older sister Mia was crying I asked her what's wrong and she said nothing my other sister Ember told me Mia's Boyfriend hit her repeatedly and started to abuse her even raped her when she said no . Mia was to afraid to leave him . So I took matters into my own hands .
I was furious so I tracked him down kidnapped him bear him to near death and tossed him over the side of the freeway In the middle of the night when the cops found him the next morning he wasn't recognizable period. ( Loona Millie and Ms. Mayberry all look at you with hearts in there eyes falling more in love with you ).
Moxxie : [ Speechless ]

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