Chapter - 01

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Chapter- 01

~ Kingdom of Daegu ~

"Father, I request you to make him learn his lesson." the young prince implored with a trembling voice, his small form nestled within the protective embrace of the king's imposing stature.

"We cannot exact punishment upon whomever we desire, my son." the king responded, his fingers tenderly weaving through the boy's tousled locks. "Especially not upon one who bears no guilt."

"But, father, he has shattered my toy. He stands guilty as charged," the prince declared, his rosy lips forming a petulant pout, as he wiped away his glistening tears.

"'Twas indeed an accident, my dear." the king replied, his gentle hand brushing away the prince's tears.

The young prince pondered, his innocent eyes locked onto his father's kingly gaze. "But you are a king, Father. Can you not punish whomever you choose?"

"Aye, that I can," the king admitted with a thoughtful tone. "Yet, my noble duty is to discern what is just and right. Punishment is a weighty matter, and it must be meted out with wisdom and fairness. In this instance, my heart tells me that forgiveness is the nobler path."

"Shall I, as a future king, hold no dominion over punishment?" inquired the young prince, his gaze earnest and inquisitive.

The king, with an air of wisdom that bespoke his royal lineage, replied, "Indeed, my dear son, your future reign shall grant you great authority. Yet, recall that sovereignty demands both the mantle of justice and the robe of compassion. When you ascend the throne, you shall possess the power to decree judgment, but it is imperative to wield this power with discernment. Be it a servant or a subject, their actions must be weighed fairly, for the measure of a true king lies not solely in might, but in the gracious wisdom to recognize intentions."

The prince, touched by his father's words, regarded the world with eyes of burgeoning wisdom, pondering the profound lesson bestowed upon him.

"Is forgiveness greater than punishment?" the young prince inquired with genuine curiosity.

"Indeed." the king replied, his voice imbued with certainty.

With a tender smile, the king continued, "I am certain, my dear, that when the time comes for you to ascend the throne, your reign will be a beacon of kindness and wisdom. It shall fill your mother's heart and mine with boundless pride, my little prince." The king cooed

As the king gazed upon his slumbering son, tiny hand clutching at his lapel, he knew that in the young prince's dreams lay the promise of a compassionate and just ruler, destined to make his kingdom proud.

"Your majesty"

The king, with a start, was pulled back from the depths of his reverie, his expression shifting from the vulnerability of memory to the stern authority befitting a ruler.

"Yes chief." The king replied, turning his head back to look at the vast kingdom of his.

"Your majesty, the last letter we sent to Ulsan has returned." The chief said, showing him the torn pieces of letter that was sent a few weeks back.

The king looked at the pieces and asked, "Had you mentioned all the conditions that we had for their kingdom?"

"Yes, your majesty. Although, they rejected every stipulation and said, by no means shall they grant Daegu the dominion over Ulsan"

The king hummed and said, "Dispatch unto Ulsan the ultimate decree. If they seek to share Daegu's dominion, their regal seat shall be preserved under my rule. Yet, should they decline, the ominous clouds of war shall gather in our path." The king sighed before continuing further,

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