Chapter 3: Echoes of pain

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Y/n's pov

Rubbing my puffy eyes, the warmth of the sun hits my face, the light filters through the window, casting a warm glow across the room, I squint my eyes as I adjust to the brightness, feeling a sense of comfort and peace as I bask in the gentle morning light

The sun's rays created patterns on the wall and illuminate dust particles in the air, adding to the dreamlike quality of the moment, the sensation of the sun on my face welcomely changed from the coolness of my pillow

Stretching my arms and legs, feeling the stiffness in my muscles from crying the night before, I took a deep breath, feeling the tension in my chest slowly dissipating

I felt a sense of release, which helped me physically and emotionally let go of the pain from last night

Rotating my body, I could feel the tightness in my neck and back, the knots slowly unraveling as I shift my petite body

Laying for a moment, I sigh, getting up as I head towards my bathroom to freshen up

Turning on the shower, I take off my clothes as I got in

I allow the warm water to run through my long curly brunette hair, closing my eyes, I feel the warmth all over my entire body

The water felt like a relaxing hug that was washing away all my stress and worries, it cascaded over me, soothing my muscles and calming my mind, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated

Feeling ready to take on the world again....

Grabbing my rug, I scrub myself gently, my eyes still closed

I bite my lip, scrubbing my neck and shoulders softly

After 30 minutes of a relaxing shower, I wrapped a towel around my body, my wet hair hitting my back, sticking onto my face and shoulders

Grabbing my toothbrush I began to brush my teeth and head onto my skincare routine

I stopped, looking at my puffy eyes, scanning my face for a moment as I touched my cheek

"What happened to you?"

I asked myself, smiling sadly, looking straight into my hazel eyes in the mirror, slowly shifting my gaze towards my freckles which decorated my face, my focus slowly moving to my pink button nose then my full reddish pink lips

Sighing, I continue to finish up and pick out an outfit

Y/n's outfit and hair :

The weather looked extremely good today and I felt like I needed to get out after everything that happened yesterday

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The weather looked extremely good today and I felt like I needed to get out after everything that happened yesterday

Looking in my full body length mirror, I smile with satisfaction

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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