Chapter 1 ~ separation ~

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Champ had been back home for a couple of weeks now, his holiday in Thailand pushed to the back of his mind as he got back into his normal routine, working, looking after Kan & Kiri's house, feeding that bloody hedgehog and it's babies for Andy and popping round to Kan's parents every other day.

Champ had been back home for a couple of weeks now, his holiday in Thailand pushed to the back of his mind as he got back into his normal routine, working, looking after Kan & Kiri's house, feeding that bloody hedgehog and it's babies for Andy and...

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During the long flight back he had felt depressed then after reminding himself that what had happened between Liam and himself had been a bit of fun his hurt had turned to anger. 

Liam could have at least said goodbye instead of sneaking out of the room while he was in the shower, that was a cheap dirty trick. He knew that Liam was a so-called big shot celebrity and he also knew they probably would never meet again but he could have said goodbye. 

Champ had collected his car from the airport parking and drove back home before dumping his stuff, getting a shower and going to bed.

The following morning he had got up and checked his messages, nothing of importance and nothing from Liam not that he'd really expected anything now. He'd deleted the guys number from his phone and made himself some breakfast and a mug of tea before looking through his work diary to remind himself what jobs had been scheduled.

After breakfast he'd taken a quick shower and dressed in jeans, tee shirt and a padded over shirt then he'd gone downstairs to grab his phone and keys before making his way to the yard where the guys had already loaded up his LGV lorry. 

He employed a small team of five, two other drivers, two packers and a girl in the office and he had a couple of larger HGV lorries.

It wasn't a massive operation but for a 26 year old it was pretty good, he was proud of his achievements. He'd raked his eyes over the warehouse and lorries before settling on the boys and he'd wondered what they would say if they knew that not only had he spent the last few days in bed with a celebrity but also that it was guy?

This had confused him too, he wasn't attracted to guys, yes he'd slept with a couple in the past but he'd been drunk and to be fair he couldn't remember much about it. 

He'd given himself the proverbial kick up the arse, he had to stop thinking about it and get on with real life. 

"is it ready to go Frank?" he'd asked one of his guys.

"yeah boss, you avin' a cup o' tea first?" Frank had asked him.

"nagh, I just had one at home" Champ had replied.

"we've been here since six this mornin' so we're goin' to the caff' do you want owt?" Frank had asked.

"no, I'm fine mate" Champ had replied and he walked into the prefab office to grab his keys for the small lorry. 

"hey boss, you're back then" Becky had said.

"if I'm not there's summat wrong" he'd laughed.

Becky had pulled a face at Champs attempt to be funny before speaking,

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