6 : You?

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"Wish me luck!" exclaimed Ram over the phone.

"Why?" she asked.

"Can't you just do it, why so much questions? Ok I'll call you later. I now have something I ought to excel." he said and was about to end the call but,

"Ram" she chirpped.


"Best of luck."



"I love you!"

"Go now I am sure you are getting late." she said blushing profoundly.

15 minutes later.

Ram enter the cabin of his soon to be partner for a contract, of what he have heard of the CEO she hates late comer and he was a good 30 minutes late for the meeting because he was busy talking to his Priya.

As Ram dashed inside the cabin he release the breath in sight as his PA just informed that Urban Eats CEO is yet to come. Ram began to go through his files again and moments later a lady walked into the room wearing a grey coat with white shirt and matching grey pants. His jaw dropped as he was the face of the woman standing in front of him who in turn was equally shocked to see him. They both managed to compose themselves and at that moment the woman's PA introduced herself and Ram Kapoor to her boss and her boss to Ram Kapoor.

"I am Ram Kapoor, nice meeting you here." he said while extending his arm and deliberately popping here.

"I am Priya Sood, and the pleasure was all mine." she said.

They both activated their professional mode. Priya pitched her idea and Ram was dumbstruck seeing her confidence and style but mentally scolded himself and managed to put his mind on the deal and was soon consumed by the stats. The meeting was a great success and he pulled off the deal. The meeting did end but not without their stolen glimps of eachother and diverting their gazes when the other turn others them blushing.

After the meeting Ram approached Priya and said, "Huh! CEO of Urban Eats not bad Priya Sood."

"CEO of Kapoor Industries, not bad Ram Kapoor." she said teasingly.

After there met they were so caught up with their past, the time they were apart, they completely forgot to mention there present. But it turned out to be a beautiful surprise for both of them.

"How about ditching office and going out for a ride?" Ram asked excitedly.

"Sounds fun. Anyway I don't have an pending work, can't say the same about you though." she said sarcastically. Earing a pout from Ram and they both started walking towards his car.

Soon he started to drive, after sometime she asked where were they heading?

"Our place." that was all he said but a subtle smile settled over her face as she looked out of the window. Eye closed like soaking everything in her skin.

Ram parked his car after a comfortable ride of 30 minutes. Their place was a place they discovered just for themselves during their college day's. It was far from the city and not at all popular even now, they didn't even told their friends about it. It was their spot just for the two of them.

The view was mesmerizing, it was another one of nature's beautiful creation, trees all around with the birds chirping and to add more beauty to the place a pond with crystal clean water.

They both fall in a comfortable silence side hugging standing against his car for support. After sometimes Ram took Priya's hand and started dancing while singing.

"Love is a landslide on uneven ground where

Ain't no shortcuts, no way around, it can

Knock you off your feet unexpectedly

You'll hardly even notice, oh

Love is a long drive down the coast

Through the redwoods and windin' roads

Unexpectedly, you and me

In the right place, at the right time

On the right day, all the right signs, like

I remember the moment it happened

When your heart brought me in for the landin'

In a second, I knew all I needed was you

Three chords and the truth, it was magic

I remember the moment it happened

When the words were as loud as an anthem

When I lost all control of my heart and my soul

I'm not sorry I'm overreactin'

'Cause you're more than I could've imagined."

He singed now holding her hands and dipped her, his hand resting of her waist, her back arched and one arm grabbed his arm while other on his back for support, facing each other. Slowly they both lean in and kissed under the setting sun who witnessed the love these two soul shared, the comfort and home they found in each other like the pieces of the puzzle finally matching perfectly. The kiss was a low one reflecting the love and gratitude they both had for their better half's to be their in their life battles, to be the shoulder they can always rely on.

They kissed each other until their lips turn sour and pulmped, until their lungs gave up, until they realized even air was begging to entre. They finally broke there kiss still in each other's embrace and smiled.

Priya said soulfully, "I wasn't anyone's first choice. I wasn't anyone's favorite. People may told me I mean a lot to them and that I'm special to them but I knew there's someone they will always choose over me. But you Ram you made me feel like I couldn't be more wrong about myself when I was am and will be with you. Thankyou! Thankyou for making me feel this way."

And it seemed the world didn't matter to them.

A/N: Did you guys liked it? Do you want me to continue or give this story an ending here? Please share your views.

I don't own this songs lyrics. It is I Remember by Forest Blakk I have posted the link above I do request you all to check it out as it is a true masterpiece in itself and this song gave me the inspiration on how this part of the story will play out. So please listen to it!

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