10th January 2001

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Two weeks was not nearly long enough of a break. Theo thought as he wearily pushed open the office door, hanging his cloak on the hook and turning to wave his wand in the direction of the kettle. He groaned to himself as he spotted the mound of paperwork on his desk wishing he was back in Germany with his family.

"Hey Theo." Potter's voice piped up, causing Theo to nearly jump from his seat. "Did you have a good break?"

"Uh yeah." Theo replied looking at Potter with confusion. "Uh no offence but why are you speaking to me. And why did you call me Theo?"

"Oh sorry, I forgot you prefer last names." Harry said hanging his head in embarrassment. "Uh, its just the office was quiet over Christmas without you. Guess I was just used to having you around."

"You hardly ever talk to me. Do you really expect me to believe that?" Theo snapped, any remaining good feelings from his break vanishing into thin air. Did Potter really expect that turning up on time for once and greeting him would turn them into friends?

"Oh, I guess... Sorry." Potter turned back into the spineless coward and Theo snorted. It would be far too easy to bait the man. But if Potter wanted a conversation, who was Theo to deny him. At least it would make the office atmosphere a bit pleasanter.

"So, how was your holiday?" Theo asked, he couldn't bring himself to say the stupid muggle holiday name, it was bad enough Potter celebrated it, he was a wizard for Merlin's sake.

"Oh, I didn't take any." Potter said sheepishly, "Well, I guess I had the days the ministry closed. It was nice, I just stayed at the Weasley's."

"Surprised you didn't take the first opportunity to leave here." Theo said dryly "No month long holidays for the sainted Potter?"

"I didn't have any holiday to spare," Potter admitted looking slightly ashamed.

"When does that stop you," Theo snorted, "You are never here anyway."

"Exactly" Potter replied looking slightly affronted, "I use all my holiday to let me attend Auror training. What you think I only turned up when I felt like it?"

Theo winced. He was getting sloppy if even Potter could call him out, he should have remembered the little revelation of Potter working two jobs, although he did note the fact Potter apparently had to use his holiday for the privilege of working more. Flicking his wand he summoned the two mugs in their small office space, filling each from the teapot that sat on his desk in a silent apology.

"It's fine, not the worst thing anyone has ever said about me." Potter laughed, though it sounded hollow and reached out to grab his mug revealing the flicker of patchy glamours on his wrists.

"What are you hiding under your glamours?" Theo asked curiously, "You wear them pretty much constantly."

"How can you tell?"

"Oh uh, family trait, helps with my work here." Theo said dismissively, "Well that and the fact I can speak six languages."

"That's amazing" Potter lit up at the confession, "How does it work? And what languages do you speak?"

"I'll tell you if you show me what's under the glamours." Theo bargained, "And tell me why you wear them."

"But that's two things."

"You also want to know two things." Theo pointed out raising an eyebrow.

"Fine." Potter sighed and went to sit back at his desk. Theo thought for a moment that Potter was just going to end their conversation, but he reached into the bag at his desk and pulled out his wand. With a simple flick the deep tanned skin faded to a sickly yellow, deep purple bruises forming across the too thin wrists. Bags pooled under his eyes emphasised by the slightly gaunt cheeks and the high collar of his shirt just hid the suggestion of more bruises to his neck.

"Merlin Potter," Theo breathed, "What happened to you?"

"Auror training." Potter said simply, "Now I showed you what's under the glamours, now tell me about seeing glamours!"

"Fine," Theo said, trying to keep his voice even. It would do no good to alienate Potter now, not when he was finally figuring things out. "You know how some families inherit certain abilities, my family line can see hidden magic's, it is why we are so well known as warders. Although it can also be useful in spotting cursed objects or glamours."

"That's brilliant," Potter breathed, "And the languages? What can you speak? How did you learn?"

"A deal is a deal, I will tell you when you tell me where you got those injuries."

"I told you, auror training," Potter said dismissively.

"Codswallop. I have never seen a trainee auror with those kind of injuries." Theo snapped, of course Potter wouldn't fulfil an agreement, he was a fool to think otherwise. So much for Gryffindor honour. "What is the real reason?"

"It is!" Potter insisted. "I can't make all the sessions, so I get behind. I have to train with Ron at home to make up for it."

"That explains the bruises, what about how thin and pale you are?" Theo asked. Potter was far too good at evading questions it seemed. Ha! How would Potter react if Theo told him how much of a Slytherin he was acting like right now.

"I guess I have been busy lately, I'm not the best at looking after myself." Potter admitted quietly "Ginny hates it, says I shouldn't let myself be seen like this which is why I wear the glamours."

"So she didn't try and help?" Theo asked. Even if he hated the blood-traitor bint, from what he knew of the couple they had a true relationship, nothing was arranged and they cared about each other.

"Why would I need help?" Harry asked looking confused

"You said you were busy and struggling to look after yourself. Did she not offer to help heal you, or make sure you ate?" Theo said wondering at Potter's expression. How did he not understand, was the man even more clueless than he let on? How the hell had he survived if he didn't even get the basics of human interaction.

"Why would she do that?"

"She is your girlfriend," Theo stated slowly as if Potter was some clueless five year old. "Even if it wasn't, it is common decency to look out for someone you care about."

"Oh, uh, I guess I didn't really expect it, and Ginny isn't the best at healing" Potter seemed to realise he had said something strange and was looking at his tea cup, refusing to meet Theo's gaze.

"Merlin, Potter, you are really something else." Theo sighed and reached into his bag. He had picked up the habit of carrying an emergency healing kit in his seventh year, and hadn't stopped since. Pulling out the small jar of bruise salve, he banished it over to Potters desk.

"There you go, at least you can stop looking like you went up against an angry hippogriff."

"Thanks Nott." Potter grabbed the pot and slowly dabbed the paste on the more visible bruises, watching with a strange smile as they slowly faded.

"You owe me Potter." Theo replied, turning back to his work. Potter was turning into more and more of a mystery. It would be useful to have him in his debt, even if this strange office sudo-friendship didn't go anywhere.

An almost companionable silence fell over the office, the scratches of Theo's quill on parchment only interrupted by the occasional slurp as Potter drank his tea. All too soon, it was broken by the clatter of the incoming memos. Sighing to himself, Theo grabbed his stack of parchment and made his way into the stacks.

He couldn't wait until Ostara.  

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