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A/N: I'm so stupid. I just realised how I let the reader use Japanese honorifics to address her crewmates, and then use english to address her uncle. 💀
I'm too lazy to go back to previous chapters to change it now tho.

"Y/N-chan, there you are!"

Rayleigh felt his eyebrows rise.

The admiral is her uncle?

Looks like I've encountered a dangerous kid.

He peeked out again from his hiding spot and spotted her chattering away excitedly to the admiral. He smiled.

If that's her uncle, I guess I'm not needed anymore.

Hands in pockets, he walked away, thinking he'd never cross paths with the kid again.

However, fate had other plans. He caught sight of her again not long after, the girl appearing to be lost (again).

He chuckled.

When he didn't sense the admiral anywhere near, he approached her.

"Now, now, we can't have you getting lost like this again, young girl."

He saw her turn to him, this time her defenses lowered as she recognised him. She seemed to grin at the sight of him.

"You got separated from your uncle again?"

"Yeah.." he watched her fiddle with her fingers, probably embarrassed because she was lost again. "But oh! He was just here. I want you to meet him. Maybe if we search together we can find him," she began excitedly.

She was definitely more talkative this time, that was for sure.

"Oh, I saw your uncle from a distance," he assured her.

"Then why did you not come talk to him?"

He didn't miss the way her face fell. Was he that interesting of a specimen that she wanted to introduce him to her uncle?

He found that thought entertaining.

But at the same time, he also knew what would happen if she did. It would be chaos. He rather not make a child experience that.

"Ah, that's because,"  he resumed carefully, "your uncle hates people like me."

"Why?" Naivety leaked out from her eyes as she stared at him, confused as to why her uncle would hate such a 'kind man'.

"Well, because I," he bent down by her face for dramatic effect and whispered, "used to be a pirate."

He stood back up straight watching her eyes follow him, wide and curious.

When she said nothing, he gave her a deep look and asked her,

"Will you hate me too now, young girl?"

He saw confusion take over her features again. She appeared...almost conflicted.

She slowly shook her head.

"No...? Am I supposed to?"

He burst out into laughter at her response.

He ruffled her hair. "Well, I'll leave that decision for you to make."

He caught sight of a yellow striped suit in the distance.

He directed her attention there. "Look, there's your uncle."

Her face lit up in recognition. Before she could leave, he knelt down at her level and asked her, "Could you do me a favour and not tell your uncle you met me? It'll be our little secret." He winked.

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now