Andrea's Spells

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AQUAMALIA: water spell

POST TENEBRAS SPREO LUCEM: conjures a ball of light in the casting witch's hand

BESSARI ORBIS: summons a sphere that represents collective emotions

SANGIEMA METTE NOS MUNDO BARGEREMA: transports people or obiects into a prison world

MITTENT: induces telekinesis

EXSURGO: induces telekinesis

IMMOBILUS: puts a magical hold on a target

MIR VARA GARIUS SANGUINEAS: finds the location of a person using their blood

UNA SCAR: Disintegrates soft, but sticky bindings

IMPERIUM FLUCTUS MALLEUS: Can temporarily disable a target nducing shock waves/a spell that causes a target to blast from within itself

DISSULTA: Causes an object to burst from within itself

SOLVET: Reverses a boundary spell

TENEBRIS LAPSUS: causes immediate harm to victim

SCALARE: create fire or ignites flammable objects

MOTUS: induces telekinesis

ÍNTEO: casts a boundary spell

INVENIEL HOSTLUM EL IENERRAE: uses black mage to find a target

PROJECTIM DEFLECTO: deflects projectiles or objects

IMITANOR PUPULUS: A spell to force someone to mimic the casting witch's movements

PATERE: a spell to induce telekinesis

BULLA: A boundary spell used in a localized area to protect the casting witch and those around them

DISSERA PORTUS: A spell used to unlock an opening of a passage

VIRIBUS: Allows the casting witch to alter the strength of another person

CORPORIS IMPETU: Allows a witch to inflict a magical hold on the target, restricting them to a certain location

RELEGO: Removes the immobilisation of a restraintment spell

AD SOMNUM: a spell that renders the target unconscious

SURGERE: a spell that reverses the effects of a sleeping spell

IGNARIOUS: a spell to generate fire

PAPILIO LUX: Provides a peace of mind

INVISIQUE: Allows a witch to cloak themselves and their targets

SPASMIS: A spell to induce telekinesis

LECUTIO MAXIMA: generates electricity

DEDISCO: A spell that erases memories

SOL: A spell that creates artificial sunlight

SILENCIO: Renders the target unable to speak

PHESMATOS IS LUCAS ADORAY: Creates an obnoxious odor in a small space

STELLA BUN DAY: Induces telekinesis

TENEBRIS ANIMA VESTRA: Uses black magic to induce death upon a target of the witch's choosing

DEMITTE MOI, DEMITTE MOI: Allows a witch to project their visibler astral form of consciousness across vast distances

IMPERIUM MONSTRUM: Contains an entity within limited boundary

EXPELLO: Allows the witch to erect a boundary spell quickly in a small vicinity around them

FILUM CONTRA HEMIUS: Severs the connection between an Ascendant, banished person and the prison world

DISSERO: For undoing a physical lock

AUTEM: Induces telekinesis

GLACIES CORPORIS: Rapidly cools down a burning body or object

PATENTIBUS: A spell to unlock an opening of a passage

VERITAS TEMPUS: A spell that forces a person to tell the truth

IMPULSA ANIMOSITAS: An enchantment that zaps the wearer whenever they say anything mean

PHESMATOS IS LUCAS ODORAY: a spell that creates a strong smelling cloud of gas

DIMETERRE: A spell to induce telekinesis

CLOSTRUM: Casts a boundary spell/Allows a witch to erect a boundary spell quickly in a small vicinity around them

CONSIDO: Prevents the use of modern day electronics

ILLUSTRANT: Charges the modern day electronic

UNCONCIDIO: Removes the provention of the use of modern day electronics

PROHIBERE: Allows a witch to inflict magical hold on the target, restricting them to a certain location

PHASMATOS TRIBUM NOS EX VIRIS. QUO ANMO TRANSIBA: Channels one's strong emotions and dark energy into a mystical, dark object of indeterminate power

VIRIBUS: A spell that allows the casting witch to alter the strength of another person

CRÉSCERE ARBOR: A spell that accelerates the growth of plants

GLACÉ SOLIDATUR: Used to rapidly freeze flowing water on a solid surface

PREITORI SPESULO: Causes walls to become see-through, as if looking through glass

IGNIS ABSUMET: A spell that creates fire

ICAEUS: Induces telekinesis

SCUTUM: A spell that shields the casting witch from fire or electricity

ASCENDO: A spell that lifts a person or object into air

INVISIQUE SAECLUM: A spell the removes the invisibility spell

INCENDIA: A fire spell

MOTUS: A spell that repels people

HARAE-TAMAU KIOKU YOMIGAERASHI-TAMAE: A spell that can purge the mind of supernatural influence or solidify the erasure

VENTUS: A spell used to create a torrent of wind

MORABOR: A spell that alters the perception of the time so the targets move in slow motion

PHASMATOS OCULACS: A spell that allows a witch to reveal magically hidden objects or people

FINIS HABENTIS MALEFICIA: A spell used to dispell a croatian


(A/N; these are only some of the spells that she'll use!! They are actually the ones her Ma/Hecate made a list of that she's allowed to use and not use)

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