One normal day were Mike was playing a game named MineBlocks, were he joined a server named ThePoopsAlot he desided to play survival vanilla but to the death. Mike didn't play this that much but todat was different in some way. You needed a team of three but he had no one so he was so desprate to find a tean but he had a bad repitation :-( . But then a player named Luchi called out for a teamate, this looked for a good chance for him. He rapidly said yes but Luchi ignored him, Mike thought that she didn't understand him but that wasent it. The tine was up and the players without a team were formed ramdomly. And for some reason the teamates that Mike had was Luchi and Mia. Mike thought that Luchi had selected him but not really, actually she was upset to have him as a teamate. For Mia they were friends so nothing to talk that much.
As the game started the girls were working hard to make armor and stuff but Mike was like YOLOYOLOYOTOLO.
Mike didn't really play for fun he just played to meet people. Timed passed and one day Mia talked to Mike and asked him
- Um hi kid so whats your name?
Mike- Really what do you think its Mike (-_-).
Mia- I was just asking :'(.That was the first time Mia and Mike talked and it didn't go to well.
The tine came that Luchi talked to him, she was nice in time he got to like her in a way.
Luchi- Hey Mike see ya me and Mia ganna log out.
Mike- Ok see ya.
For the first time in forever Mike was happy, he felt good like a dancing hippo XD.
In the next day Mike was alone, his laptop was broken because he gave it to a dog to play. The dog wasnt good playing to he destroyed it.Mike was mad again, hi was like that girl you like but then there all raged up and hate you and tell you to go away, like that, but Mike knew were Mia lived so he went on a mission to meet Mia and Luchi in person. The thing is that he wasn't that good friends with Mia so he was scared that she would beat the crap out of him and send him away to the streets.
Yeah maybe he was over reacting, but you never know.