The past

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16 year old Maya

I'm tired of my mom she don't care about me no more every since her and Ted got back together , she spend all her money and time on him. Ted is the twins dad , it's like they only pay attention to the twins now. I'm not letting that slide not at all , so I been doing little slick things to catch his eyes . I can see I have his attention but why my mom can't see dat , I don't wanna take it a step up but if that's what I gotta to get things back in order I will.

12year old Layla

I'm so happy daddy home now, everything is perfect but Maya been acting funny . She was being really mean to daddy now she acting all nice and sweet ,trust me she not a nice and sweet girl she only that way when she wants something . I just wonder what could she want from daddy.


I heard the noises ,I see her legs wrapped around him and him grinding in and out of her . I couldn't believe my eyes my dad and my older sister Maya were having sex on the kitchen table .I was hearing these noise every night while my mom was at work but I didn't want to believe it , how could my sister do this. As I was standing there I saw my sister look at me but she didn't stop she kept going . Did she want me to see?


Glad my sister saw what happen I been doing this every night trying to get caught but no matter how loud I was no one heard . But now I know Kayla will tell and I can't wait till get rid of Ted ass!!


I know Maya was up to something but damn ,that so nasty .Kayla is messed up right now she don't know what to think all she know is what she saw but I know Maya did this to get daddy out of here .


Kayla dumb ass taking too long to tell mommy but I know what I gotta do. I walk in Kayla and Layla room , sat down on the bed . "Kayla?" I said trying look all sad "what?" Kayla asked pulling at her sleeve "I know u seen what happen "I said fake tearing up "how could you do dat to mommy Maya how?" Kayla asking now crying .I didn't expect her to say that I figured ,she would think he was raping me ."He raped me Kay you saw it" I said trying to get in her head ,she staring at me as if she was tryna to believe me ,I looked at Layla who I knew wasn't buying it but I knew she would never turn on me . "We have to tell mommy Kay "I said to Kayla, she nodded . "Bye bye Ted" I said to myself as I walk out the room .

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