kokushibos revenge >:)

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Another out of story chapter cause why not.
I just reread some of the chapters and the grammar mistakes are bad. Currently writing near 4-6ths graders again😜😝


Kokushibo POV:

After me and akaza went hunting I saw muzan-sama and nakime were still talking, I was still confused on what was going on, first muzan-sama wont tell me what he, Daki, nakime and douma were talking about. Second he called nakime, naki. Third he was holding hands with her and now they look like a couple sitting there. I ignored it, but akaza didnt, once we passed them he said, "haven't you notice how close nakime and muzan-sama are?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Dont you care?" "I do." "Then why wont you say anything?" He asked. "Cause it doesn't seem like a big problem." "How do you know their not dating? First they wont tell you what there talking about, second the nickname thing, third holding hands and now this. Somethings going on." "So what do I do about it?" "Dont you feel jealous?" "No, not really, actually now that your talking about kinda." "Maybe there making you jealous?" "Ok and?" We should do something." "Like what?" "I dont know, maybe like a plan to stop their plan. Dakis good at this stuff." "But shes with muzan-sama." I say. "Then we'll have the next best person, kaigaku." "Seriously?" I say disappointed. "What? Hes the next best person." Akaza says. "I know, it's just that, he cant keep a secret, hes my tsungoku I know him." (I'm pretty sure thats the word correct me if I'm wrong.)

Me and akaza were walking around the infinity castle looking for kaigaku. We found talking to gyutaro, those two were inseparable. We were walking to them when gyutaro noticed us. "Hey kokushibo, hey akaza." He said. "Hello gyutaro." I say. "Hey." Akaza says. "Do you need anything?" Kaigaku asks. "Well yeah." Akaza says, "so you know how close muzan-sama and nakime are?" "Yeah, what about it?" Gyutaro says. "Well I think they're trying to make kokushibo jealous." He pauses before continuing. " I mean, everytime I've been with kokushibo, they've been acting weird, even though I've been with him for a couple of hours." Akaza finishes. "I mean its does make sense." Gyutaro replies. "We should do something about it!" Kaigaku says. "What are we going to do?" I ask. "Mabye the same thing to them." "How?" Akaza asks. "I'm confused where this is going." I say. "I dont know." Kaigaku shrugs. "Mabye talk to him, I think it'll help." Gyutaro says. "I think it's good." Akaza says. "But what happens if were overreacting?" Kaigaku says. "It's better to be safe then sorry." Akaza shrugs. "Well that was all." I say. "What now?" "I dont know?"

Muzan POV:

Everytime kokushibo has past me and nakime, he doesn't seem to care, I knew I shouldn't have trusted douma that idiot. I walk over to my room and sit on the bed. "Ugh, I thought it would of worked." I mumble to myself. Knock, knock. I hear a knock coming from my door. "Come In." I say. Kokushibo walks into my room and sits next to me. "Hello muzan-sama." He says. "Hello kokushibo, need anything?" "Yes, I was wondering why you and nakime were all, touchy." Did it work? I think to myself. "Its no reason." I reply. "Well also, what were you, douma, Daki and nakime talking about? If you dont mind me asking." "Its not important." "Then why wont you tell me?" "Cause it doesn't involve you." "Ok" he gets up and is about to leave. Before he could walk to the door I grab his hand. "Kokushibo wait!" I say. He turns around and looks at me. "Is something wrong?" "Yes I wanted to say..."


(640 words)

Cliffhanger! I'm also at school atm. Bye!

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