"Hey morales!"

"Hey miles!"

"Looking good!"

I slapped a 'my name is' tag onto a lamppost. I was basically the popular street kid. Life was good.

A cop car came up, "Get in the car!"

Relax I'm not getting arrested- it's my dad's car.

I groan, "Dad I was fine with walking."

He did that thing we're it looks like you're gonna put down your glasses but you just leave em hanging and stared at me , "Hmm and you're gonna spend the weekend cleaning off all those stickers ."

"Oh you saw that," I quickly realised what I said "I mean that wasn't me."

He rolled his eyes, "Plus can't i drop my little boy off at school."

"Dad! I'm fifteen! FIFTEEN"

He rolled down the window, " We're here love you Miles."

I didn't respond I just walked out of the car .

Bad idea!

My dad called back over his speakers, "You gotta say it back!"


"Cop orders!"

I take a deep breath and sigh , "Dad I love you"

As I walked into school I could hear everyone talking about what just happened.

I entered my first class.

"Miles Morales your late."

"Einstein said time is relative so maybe I'm not late maybe you guys are just early." I joked.

No one laughed except two kids I've never seen before.

One was a guy, he had wicks , black skin, had a lip piercing, wore platform boots and seemed to be older than me. (He was also hot)

The other was a girl, she has short blonde hair dyed pink at the tips and milky white skin.

I went to my seat with was in the middle of them.

"We found your joke funny," the girl said

The guy extended his hand, "Miles right, I'm Hobie"

"And I'm Gwen"

I shaked their hands and turned my attention to the projector.

"Alchemax has discovered there's is multiple dimensions multiple multiple versions of you out there ..."

And a bunch of other boring physics stuff.

Fast forward to lunchtime

Hobie and Gwen invited to sit with them.

They were whispering about something and occasionally they would look at me.

Did I mention Hobie is hot.

"Earth to miles?" hobie asked snapping his fingers in front of my face.



"Sure why not?"

"Cool meet ya there at 7"

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