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It was just another day for Joshua. He was just going on with his day, going to work and running errands, nothing much was special about his normal day routine, except his severe addiction to gaming. He had spent more than thousands on a game that he had to sacrifice his meals and sleep just to earn more money just to buy an in-game item, the game is called Everett Online, an MMORPG with the unique feature that allows its players to shape the world by its [History System], it records anything big and significant to the game which can affect its future storyline.Joshua who was not really into gaming before was one of the people who got addicted to the game due to its immersive content and rich lore which he enjoys.

Today was a big day for the game, millions had logged in just to get to have their usernames in the game's history. A big event is about to occur, a special raid boss is announced to appear to celebrate the game's anniversary. Ever since the day Joshua started playing, he has only one goal in mind and that is to be one of those legendary players who managed to write their names into the story.

After so many months of overtime and side jobs, he had finally managed to create his dream character, A character that is so unique that he's the only one who has it. His character is a female kitsune he named Alicia. The character's race itself is already rare which was given by the developers to the very first beta tester at their request. After they quit the game, they put their character on an auction which Joshua fought so hard for that it left him unable to pay for his bills for months. Next were its weapons and cosmetics. It wields a special katana from a collab event boss which is made from its teeth and can be only obtained by beating the boss without losing a single HP, and the other is a legendary staff, a special item on the shop which can be edited by the owner to its own liking, it was later removed from the shop due to it being deemed "Way too overpriced." By the community, he later chose to give it the appearance of a scabbard for his katana. Lastly were its cosmetics which he managed to get by encountering a developer and barely managing to defeat them in a duel, fortunately for him the dev he encountered was known for their arrogance and claimed that it would be an easy win for them, Joshua took the opportunity to ask for a custom cosmetic if he won. Many players were present during the match and the dev were forced to comply to save their username. The cosmetic made were dubbed the "God Slayer's Dress" symbolizing Joshua's victory against one of the game's developers.And now he's ready to turn his dreams into reality, there he stood waiting as the time for the boss's arrival ticked down.

He readied a special one-time use ticket which would allow him to solo any raid boss he wanted, along with hundreds of potions to keep him going. Unlike other raid bosses, the level of this raid boss exceeded the level cap for it was intended to be a boss only beatable by many players, but Joshua planned to solo it. He's sure that by defeating this boss would put him and his character to history.

He chugged an entire energy drink before stretching his arms and fingers. As the timer reached zero, he activated the ticket and with a smirk on his face, he murmured..."It's show time."

He spawns into the huge boss arena, alone. The boss stood right in front of him. A gigantic whale-like beast with its body looking like the universe itself. It made a terrifying yet solemn screech similar to those of whales in real life. Joshua hesitated for a second as he observed the boss's HP bar which was 5 billion in total, but he steeled himself and was reminded of his goals and the sweet sweet loot the boss has. He was prepared to fight the boss no matter how long it took and he have the necessary materials to make sure he wouldn't lose. And with that, he slowly entered the boss's range, triggering the boss fight.

Debuffs were instantly applied to Joshua as he charged towards the boss fortunately, the buffs he had applied beforehand cancelled out some of the debuffs. Given the distance between him and the boss, Joshua had to dodge hundreds of projectiles launched by the boss. It was meant to target at least a hundred players, but now it's all focused on him.

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