13th year together

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(just saying this whole thing is based off me pretending to be the heather to my hotti- I mean heather to my Alejandro)

Highschool AU

tdwt and tdas and total drama in general never happened

Also they go to private school which has K-12 (HAHAHA) kindergarten through 12th so they've been there for those years. 

TW: Foul language, tsundere fr, death threats, ED, me accidentally using song lyrics because I listen to it too much

~-*heather pov*-~

    I finally thought I got rid of him. My childhood rival. I haven't seen him around school in all day. As I walked down the hallway someone stuck a leg out and I tripped over it, landing on the ground. I heard a familiar voice and knew my year would be hell all over again. "Hey chica molesta~" Ugh! It was fucking Alejandro! "I hate you I thought I was free of you forever!" I crossed my arms clearly mad. He picked me up and threw me over his should like I was nothing "Oh you're glad to see me again" his voice was low and flirty, just the way I love- LOATHE. Just the way I loathe it! "Alejandro put me the hell down or i'll rip your fucking face apart." I told him in a serious tone struggling to get down.
    He ignored my threat and carried me to the cafeteria. I got embarrassed as some students started staring and others made up theories.
"Alejandro!" my tone was annoyed and I was kicking around
"okay calm your ass down princess" he put me down at the table where my friends were. I pushed him and he walked away laughing. Courtney was surprised. "Heather what on earth were you doing with your childhood enemy!? Yesterday you told me how much you hoped he left the school and today he comes in calling you princess and holding you!?" she banged her hand on the table. I rolled my eyes. "Courtney he's done this before. He's trying to embarrass me. I hate that shitty hoe." I tell her sitting down clearly pissed off. Lindsay seemed to not understand what I said. "Jalapeno broke up with you? Oh Harper, I feel so bad for you!" she said in her sympathetic voice. I scoffed at her, "alejandro and I were never together, and its Heather, not Harper" lindsay was confused, as always. Courtney looked at me, "heather are you going to get your lunch?" I shook my head when she asked. I needed to lose weight. I checked this morning and was at 116 pounds. I looked over at alejandro who was being a jerk with his friends. How stereotypical.
  My friends Courtney, Lindsay, Beth, and Sierra were all talking about randomass things. I took out my notebook and while listening to the shit I wrote a few things about how much the fuck I deeply lov- DESPISE ALEJANDRO.. 

-~after lunch - during class~-

    I was bored, sitting down in class when someone sat next to me. "Princess why so mad?" Alejandro asked teasingly. He put his hand on my upper leg  and I flinched at the sudden movement. "Don't touch me!" I slapped him away. He leaned in closely. "Ah, princess-" before he could finish I punched his mouth. I hated being called 'princess'. I hated him. Alejandro calmly grabbed my hand and twisted it hardly. "FUCK ALEJANDRO MY HAND.. LET ME GO" I yelled at him but he twisted it harder and slammed it down. With my leg I kicked him hard in the y'know what. The teacher yells at us to get to the office for fighting. Thats bullshit but I got up and walked out the room with Alejandro behind me. "Its all your fault idiot"I blamed him. He pet me on the head like I was a cat. I pushed him away hardly. "and I'm not some kitten!" I continued walking until we got the office. The principle, Mrs. Blaineley sat us down in her office and looked disappointed. The only disappointment here was Alejandro though. Mrs. Blaineley faced us and said in her tired voice, "you two never learn. This is the 5th time you've been sent to office today. You two have been fighting since Pre-K and it gets tiring for everyone" she said acting annoyed at us. I wanted to say something but thought it would makes things worse. Mrs. Blaineley started speaking again, "both your parents and I agreed to a solution which you two aren't going to like." I got a bit scared but Mrs. Blainely was nice she would not do anything bad. She began (or begun) explaining and I was horrified at her idea..


- Dahleamar

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