Chapter 1

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(Olivia's POV)

Brooklyn, New York. December 16th 1941

The room was slowly filling with more and more people as the minutes ticked by, and I felt like I was slowly losing my mind.

The dress was altogether too tight, and the bobby pins were digging into my skull. And while I loved lipstick, this one always had a bad habit of staining whatever glass I drank out of, something my mother would always point out.

Besides, I'd never liked these parties anyways. If nearly all of Brooklyn was starving, was it really in good taste for us to be having big grand affairs?

Whenever I brought this up to my parents they told me I was ridiculous. Naive. I just didn't understand. And to be honest, I most likely didn't, not perfectly at least.

Until him.


I was trying and failing to escape the swarms of people. On my first attempt, I got caught up by a friend of my mothers who wanted to talk about her son.

On the second try, it was an older man, on a committee of some sort with my father, who wanted me to meet his grandson.

My third and final effort was thwarted by my parents themselves, who then insisted I stay by their side the rest of the night. I knew it was pointless to argue, so I just did what they asked. Smiled, shook hands, made idle small talk with people. Not much more than that.

In everyone—especially my parents eyes— I was about as useful as a mirrorball. Just something shiny, a gorgeous distraction.

Finally,after a particularly buzzed boy, I broke. Turning to my mother my lips started to form the question but another group of people walked up. It took every piece of willpower not to roll my eyes. So so close.

"Ah, Mr. Barnes." My father broke into a wide grin, firmly gripping the man's hand. "Good to see you again."

"You as well, Casanova, you as well." The man replied, nodding. "I just figured I should introduce the family. This is my wife-"

The woman on his arm smiled graciously to my mother. "So good to meet you."

My mother returned the smile, pleased to be acknowledged. "And you as well."

"Now" my father smiled", I know you've met my lovely wife-" he nodded to my mother "but of course I must introduce my daughter. Olivia?"

I smiled almost on cue, dipping my head. "So nice to meet you both."

The man nodded at me approvingly. "Pleasure as well young lady. You know Casanova, I don't know how you raised her with such manners. My kid is nothing but trouble."

"Oh stop it," the woman added "James is perfectly fine. He's just a teenage boy is all."

"Barnes, I don't believe I've ever met your boy." My father said casually.

"Ah, that's cause he avoids these events like the plague—which was one of his excuses once—but I managed to get him here tonight." He turned to his wife, "Darling, could you grab him?"

She nodded, easily disappearing into the crowd. As my mother and father continued chatting, I allowed my mind to wander, as I was so clearly not needed at the moment.

Casually looking about the crowd, I noticed more than one glance my way, subtle or lingering. In spite of my unease, I smiled. No use being rude I suppose.

A good five minutes passed and nor the lady or her son had returned and I figured I was safe to dismiss myself. Turning to walk away, I found myself walking straight into someone, before stumbling backwards.

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